出版时间:2011-9 出版社:电子工业出版社 作者:(法)安东尼·德·圣埃克苏佩里 页数:153 译者:张羽
作者:(法国)安东尼·德·圣埃克苏佩里 编译:张羽
chapter 1all grown-ups were children first
第一章 献给现实和心灵的孩子
chapter 2i encounter the little prince
第二章 邂逅小王子 011
chapter 3 the baobabs and the forty-four sunsets
第三章 猴面包树和四十四次落日
chapter 4the rose shows herself
第四章 玫瑰开了
chapter 5the little prince visits neighboring asteroids i
第五章 小王子周游各国(一)
chapter 6the little prince visits neighboring asteroids ii
第六章 小王子周游各国(二)
chapter 7 the little prince reaches the earth
第七章 小王子来到地球
chapter 8the express train and the pills
第八章 快车和止咳药丸
chapter 9water can be good to the heart
第九章 泉水荡涤心灵
chapter 10eternal little prince
第十章 永远的小王子
版权页:插图:The well we had come to was not at all like the wells ofthe Sahara. The wells of the Sahara are no more than holesdug in the sand. This one looked more like a village well. Butthere was no village here, and I thought I was dreaming."It's strange," I said to the little prince, "everything is ready for use: the pulley, the bucket, and the rope...He laughed, grasped the rope, and set the pulley working.And the pulley groaned'3) the way an old weathervanegroaned when the wind has been asleep a long time."Hear that?" said the little prince. "We've awakened thiswell and it's singing..."I didn't want him to tire him out. "Let me do that," I saidto him. "It's too heavy for you."