
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:王冰 主编  页数:252  


本书主要内容选自英文原文文章,内容编排由浅入深,基本涵盖了电子商务的主要领域;文章内容适用,难度适中,语言流畅,既具有很强的专业性又具有很好的可读性。本书共分7个单元,包括互联网基础、电子商务基础、网络营销、互联网网站、企业电子商务、电子商务的安全技术和电子商务法等内容。    为了便于读者自学,本书选取的每一篇文章都被精心地翻译为了中文,附在课文之后。此外,本书精练地选取英语语法的重点、难点和翻译技巧加以讲解,这对于提高学生的阅读和翻译水平将起到很好的作用。    本书既可作为高等职业教育和大专院校电子商务等经管类专业学生的教材,也可供电子商务从业人员和企业管理人员阅读。


Unit 1  The Internet Basics  Lesson 1  The Basic Principal of E-mail    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 2  How was the Internet Invented    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 3  Understanding the World Wide Web    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 4  How does the Internet Work    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文Unit 2  Foundations of Electronic Commerce  Lesson 5  The Origins and Development of Electronic Commerce    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 6  Definitions of Electronic Commerce    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 7  The Technological Foundations of Electronic Commerce    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 8  Business Models of Electronic Commerce    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文Unit 3  The Internet Marketing  Lesson 9  How to Start an Internet Marketing with Web    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 10  About E-marketing Strategies    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 11  The Method of Permission E-mail Marketing    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 12  What is Banner Ad    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文Unit 4  The Internet Web Site  Lesson 13  How to Built a Website    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 14  Online Publishing, E-books and Blogging    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 15  The Promotion and Maintenance of a Website    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 16  It Takes More than Technology    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文Unit 5  Enterprise E-commerce  Lesson 17  A Case of Business-to-Business EC    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 18  The Supply Chain and EDI    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 19  Logistics in E-commerce Age    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 20  What is ERP    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文Unit 6  Security Technology of E-commerce  Lesson 21  Firewall    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 22  Security Schemes in Electronic Payment Systems    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 23  SSL Server Certificates    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 24  Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文Unit 7  E-commerce Law  Lesson 25  The ABC’s of Website Law    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 26  Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文  Lesson 27  Tax Issues in Electronic Commerce    Vocabulary    Phrases    Notes    Grammar and Translation    Exercises    参考译文模拟试题参考答案参考文献


版权页:插图:The Interact, sometimes called simply the Net, is a worldwide system of computernetworks——a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they havepermission, get information from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users atother computers). It was conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of theU.S. government in 1969 and was first known as the ARPANet. The original aim was to create anetwork that would allow users of a research computer at one university to be able to talk to research computers at other universities. A side benefit of ARPANet's design was that, becausemessages could be routed or rerouted in more than one direction, the network could continue tofunction even if parts of it were destroyed in the event of a military attack or other disaster.Today, the Intemet is a public, cooperative, and self-sustaining facility accessible tohundreds of millions of people worldwide. Physically, the Internet uses a portion of the totalresources of the currently existing public telecommunication networks. since it is directly across thestreet from her.





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