
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:高成秀 编  页数:220  


  当今我国正逐步由“制造大国”走向“制造强国”,熟悉各国技术特点、能与国际合作方通畅交流的数控技术应用型人才严重短缺,培养具有国际意识的高素质数控应用技术人才,是国家走向“制造强国”的紧迫任务之一。目前,国内出版了大量数控技术应用方面的英文书籍,有些是国内专业人员自主编著的专业英语教材,有些是引进的影印原版书籍,对促进我国人才培养都发挥了巨大作用,但对于专业的数控编程人员和学习数控技术的学生,缺少一本全面系统介绍专业英文知识、技术术语和表达习惯的英文书籍。  我们精心编写的这本《数控技术专业英语》,针对数控编程人员和学习数控技术的学生所必需的知识和技能结构,结合国内学生的特点,系统全面地介绍了机械制造技术、数控技术等方面的英文基础知识、专业术语和表达习惯,以典型机床及其操作、编程为载体,介绍在技术表达、操作等方面的特点,以期培养学生熟悉英文技术文献、掌握英文技术资料的能力,能够正确操作国外先进机床,实现无障碍沟通。  全书分Fundamental of Machine Manufacturing,Fundamental of CNC Manufacturing,The CNC Lathe,The CNC Machining Centers四部分,共26单元,每单元包括课文、生词及专业词汇解析、长难句解析、课后练习题等内容。本书配有精彩课件、习题答案等教学资源,以及制造管理、品质管理等知识内容,以方便教学、提高教学质量。  本书由兰州高等工业专科学校高成秀副教授任主编,兰州理工大学杨建军老师、兰州高等工业专科学校林小军老师参编,其中Part I由杨建军编写,Part II、Part III由高成秀编写,PartⅣ由林小军编写,全书由高成秀副教授统稿、审定。多位老师和朋友对本书的编写提出了许多宝贵的修改意见与建议,再次一并表示最衷心的感谢。  由于编者水平所限和时间紧迫,疏漏和不妥之处在所难免,敬请广大教师和读者不啬指正。


本书全面系统地介绍了数控技术的基础英文知识、专业术语及相关表达方法,全书分Fundamental of Machine Manufacturing,Fundamental 0f CNC Manufacturing,The CNC Lathe,The CNC Machining Centers四部分,共26单元,每单元包括课文、生词及专业词汇解析、长难句解析、课后练习题等内容。本书配有精彩课件、习题答案等教学资源,以及制造管理、品质管理等丰富的拓展阅读知识内容,以方便教学、提高教学质量。  本书可作为高职高专院校相关专业的专业英语教材使用,也可供数控编程人员及相关工程技术人员学习和参考。


Part Ⅰ Fundamental of Machine Manufacturina Unit 1 What is Manufacturing? Unit 2 Selecting Manufacturing Process Unit 3 Engineering Drawings Unit 4 Geometric Dimensional and Tolerances Unit 5 Surface Roughness Unit 6 Fundamentals of Cutting Unit 7 Machinability Unit 8 Cutting Fluids Unit 9 Machining Process Used to Produce Round Shapes Unit 1 0 Machining Process Used to Produce Various ShapesPart Ⅱ Fundamental of CNC Manufacturina Unit 11 Introduction Unit 12 Construction of Machine Tools Unit 13 Essential CNC Shop Activities Unit 14 Word Address Programming Unit 15 Writing Part Programs Unit 16 Setting up CNC Machine ToolsPart Ⅲ The CNC Lathe Unit 17 Background on the CNC Lathe Unit 18 Tooling for CNC Lathe Operations Unit 19 CNC Lathe Programming  Unit 20 The Control Panel Unit 21 Setting up ExamplePart Ⅳ The CNC Machinina Centers Unit 22 Background on the CNC Machining Centers Unit 23 Tooling for Hole Operations Unit 24 Tooling for Milling Operations Unit 25 Tool Speeds and Feeds for Hole and Milling Operations· Unit 26 Setting Milling and Drilling Tools


  1.A product must fully meet design requirements,product specifications,and standards.  2.A product must be manufactured by the most economical and environmentally friendly methods.  3.Quality must be built into the product at each stage,from design to assembly,rather than relying on quality testing after the product is manufactured.  4.In the highly competitive environment of today, production methods must be sufficiently flexible to respond to changing market demands,types of products,production rates,production quantities,and to provide on-time delivery to the customer.  5.Continuous developments in materials,production methods,and computer integration of both technological and managerial activities in a manufacturing organization must be evaluated constantly with a view to their appropriate,timely and economical implementation.  6.Manufacturing activities must be viewed as a large system,all parts of which are interrelated to varying degrees.Such systems can now be modeled in order to study the effect of factors such as changes in market demands,product design,materials,and production methods on product quality and cost.



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