
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:侯方淼 编  页数:271  


  随着对外开放的扩大,中国经济参与世界经济的程度不断提高,与世界经济的联系日益紧密。作为与世界经济联系重要渠道之一的对外贸易,内容不断丰富,形式日趋多样化。科学技术的飞速进步,一方面大大拓展了国际贸易的领域,增添了新的国际贸易内容;另一方面,新科技成果运用到国际贸易业务中来,大大提高了国际贸易的效率,便利了国际贸易的运营。中国社会主义市场经济体制建设目标的确立,我国对外贸易经营管理体制发生了根本性转变,一大批各种性质的企业获得对外贸易经营权,涌入对外贸易领域。所有这些都促进了对外贸易人才的培养和国际贸易学科的建设,同时也对国际贸易人才培养,对从事国际贸易人才的基本素质和知识结构,进而对国际贸易学科的建设提出了新的要求。  对外贸易事业的发展,国际贸易人才需求的增加,促进了高等院校国际贸易学科的发展。改革开放以来,大专院校加强了国际贸易学科建设,众多高校设立了国际经济与贸易专业。据不完全统计,目前,设有国际经济与贸易专业的高等院校约380所,高等职业学校约490所。这些国际经济与贸易专业的设立,大批国际贸易专门人才的培养,满足了我国对外贸易事业发展对专业人才的基本需求,为我国对外贸易事业发展提供了人才保障。与此同时,各大专院校在培养对外贸易人才的过程中,十分重视国际贸易学科体系的建设,开辟了许多新的学科领域,引进和开创了许多新的课程和教材,为完善国际贸易学科体系、保障人才知识结构更新、适应我国对外贸易事业发展需要做出了贡献。各相关出版社也出版了不少好的教材和图书。  然而,国际贸易学科建设任重而道远,需要不断根据变化了的形势和新的业务领域补充新的内容,开辟新的领域;需要几代学者的不懈努力;需要不断地继承与发展,推陈与出新。为此,电子工业出版社在广泛深入调查研究的基础上,从当前国际贸易事业发展对人才知识结构的要求出发,根据学科发展和教学实际需要,从偏重国际贸易运作实务角度,策划了这一套教材。




Unit One Business Letter Writing An Introduction1.1 Essentials of Business Letter-writing1.2 The Structure of Business Letters1.3 The Layout of Business Letters1.4 Characteristics of Business Letter-writing1.5 Envelope Addressing本章小结复习思考题补充阅读Unit Two Establishing Business Relations2.1 Channels to Know Potential Customers2.2 Letters of Status Inquiry and Reply2.3 Letters of Establishing Business Relations Letters——First Inquiry2.4 Writing a Reply Leaer常用外贸词汇及句型本章小结复习思考题补充阅读Unit Three Enqulries Quotations Offers and Counter Offers3.1 Letters about Enquiries3.2 Letters about Quotations and Offers3.3 Letters about Counter-offer and Declining Orders常用外贸词汇及句型本章小结复习思考题补充阅读Unit Four Conclusion of Business4.1 Letters about Acceptance4.2 Letters about Sales Confirmation and Contracts常用外贸词汇及句型本章小结复习思考题补充阅读Unit Five Terms of Payment5.1 Letters about:Discussing Terms Of Payment5.2 Letters about Usual Terms of Payment常用外贸词汇及句型本章小结复习思考题补充阅读Unit Six Letter of Credit6.1 Letters about Discussing the Issuance of L/C6.2 Letters about Amending the L/C6.3 Lettets about Extending the L/C常用外贸词汇及句型本章小结复习思考题补充阅读Unit Seven Packing and Shipment7.1 Letters about Packing7.2 Letters about Discussing Terms of Shipment常用外贸词汇及句型本章小结复习思考题补充阅读Unit Eight Insutance8.1 Letters about Discussing Terms of Insurance8.2 Letters about Effecting Insurance常用外贸词汇及句型本章小结复习思考题补充阅读Unit Nine Agency9.1 Steps of Writing Letters Of Agency9.2 Sample Letters of Discussing Agency and.Reply9.3 Agency Agreement常用外贸词汇及句型本章小结复习思考题补充阅读Unit Ten Complaints and Claims10.1 Letters about Complaints10.2 Letters about Claims常用外贸词汇及句型本章小结复习思考题AppendixA.1 MT700 L/CA.2常用外贸英语术语A.3常用世界港口中英文对照A.4常用运输标志及其含义参考文献


  A large part of international business is conducted by means of correspondence, therefore it is of the utmost importance for students to learn how to write good business letters that present ideas interestingly and clearly to enable readers to understand with the least possible effort.  It is a fact that beginners often feel it difficult to express their ideas effectively in English. The main reason is that English is not their mother tongue; Furthermore, as business correspondence always closely relates to particular business in the field of international trades, which requires specialized knowledge and flexibility to handle such correspondence.  However, the ability to write good business letters can be cultivated through constant study and practice. An old saying has it that with time and patience the leaf of mulberry becomes satin. So whenever you get an opportunity, practice writing in terms of various business situations, and then make amendments to the letters written until you find they meet your intended objectives. If you repeatedly do it in this way and exert your best efforts to polish your English writing at all times, you will naturally improve your writing skills. By the time you are out of the school, you will be in a position to work successfully.  In this unit, we will learn the basic structure of business letters. In the course, besides using words in the word lists given by the teacher, the students are encouraged to use their own dictionaries or Internet search engine to find English words for the exercises or other subjects not in the textbook, in order to gain the ability to write letters for establishing good business relations.





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