
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:陈静 编  页数:157  


  在世界经济全球化与一体化的背景下,我国不断加强建筑市场对外开放。在建筑业“走出去”战略的指导下,越来越多的建筑企业加大国际建筑市场的开拓力度,加之国内的国际工程日益增多,工程造价管理的国际化已成为当务之急。了解国际工程造价管理发展趋势、掌握工程造价管理专业英语、熟悉工程造价管理国际惯例,有利于我国建筑业在国际化背景下与国际接轨,有利于提高工程造价管理质量,有利于增强建筑企业的国际竞争能力,对提高工程造价质量具有重要的现实意义。  为了满足工程建设领域和高职高专院校工程管理专业、工程造价专业及相关专业培养目标的需要,编者结合多年的教学经验,撰写了这本《工程造价英语》,力求全面介绍工程造价专业发展趋势和国际惯例,使读者全面提高工程造价专业英语的阅读、交流与写作能力。本书以项目案例为基础,介绍了工程造价专业的发展趋势,造价师的主要职责,以及工程造价在投标报价、成本管理、合同管理、索赔管理等方面的国际工程管理惯例,并对国外的造价管理前沿进行了介绍。






Unit 1 Quantity Surveyor in Australia 1  Text 1   New Words, Expressions 6   Notes 8   Exercises 9  Reading Materials 12   Reading Material A Brief History of Quantity Surveying 12   Reading Material B Just What does a Quantity Surveyor do? 14 Unit 2 The Role of Consultants in PFI Projects 18  Text 18   New Words, Expressions 25   Notes 27   Exercises 29  Reading Materials 32   Reading Material A Building Procurement 32   Reading Material B Invitation to Apply for Eligibility and to Bid 37 Unit 3 Types of Bids and Contracts 40  Text 40   New Words, Expressions 44   Notes 45   Exercises 47  Reading Materials 50   Reading Material A Unit-price Contract 50   Reading Material B Tender Form 53 Unit 4 Estimating, Bidding and Costs 58  Text 58   New Words, Expressions 63   Notes 65   Exercises 66  Reading Materials 68   Reading Material A Familiarization with Project Characteristics 68   Reading Material B Detailed Estimates (I) 73 Unit 5 Cost Management I 78  Text 78   New Words, Expressions 84   Notes 86   Exercises 88  Reading Materials 90   Reading Material A Detailed Estimates (II) 90   Reading Material B Detailed Estimates (III) 93 Unit 6 Cost Management II 99  Text 99   New Words, Expressions 104    Notes 105   Exercises 107  Reading Materials 109   Reading Material A Risk and Insurance 109   Reading Material B Insurances 113 Unit 7 Contract Condition 119  Text 119   New Words, Expressions 125   Notes 126   Exercises 127  Reading Material 130   Reading Material A Subcontract Conditions 130   Reading Material B Particular Conditions of Subcontract 135 Unit 8 Claim Management 139  Text 139   New Words, Expressions 147   Notes 149   Exercises 150  Reading Materials 153   Reading Material A Useful for the Parties and those Who Practice Arbitration 153   Reading Material B Examples of Practical Difficulties Encountered by a DRB 155 参考文献 158


  After Quantity Surveyors have estimated the cost of a construction, they establish a budget and examine whether the proposed construction methods will be economical and suitable. They do this by examining architectural and engineering drawings and specifications. Then, they prepare Bill of Quantities which lists in detail all the individual work components of the project. Any change in the design or cost of these will be monitored throughout the construction phase.  As advisers, they estimate and monitor the construction costs, from the feasibility stage of a project through to the completion of the construction period. After construction, they may be involved with tax depreciation schedules, replacement cost estimation for insurance purposes and, if necessary, mediation and arbitration.  Quantity Surveyors are employed predominantly on major building and construction projects as consultants to the owner, in both public and private sectors. They may also work as academics in the building and construction disciplines and in financial institutions, with developer and as project manager.  Quantity Surveyors work closely with architects, financiers, engineers, contractors, suppliers, project owners, accountants, insurance underwriters, solicitors, courts and all levels of government authorities.


  《工程造价英语》从工程造价管理实际需要出发,全面介绍了工程造价专业的发展趋势、造价师的主要职责及投标报价、成本管理、合同管理、索赔管理等方面的国际工程管理惯例。在内容设计上,配有阅读材料、词汇练习和口语练习等栏目,利于学生学习主动性的提高。《工程造价英语》可作为高职高专工程造价专业、工程管理专业及相关专业的英语教材,也可作为专业从业人员的参考读物。  目的性强,通过理论研究和案例分析实现理论与实践的有机结合,力争启发读者的理性思考,指导读者提高实践能力。  适用性广,作为教材主要服务于高职高专院校工程造价专业的学生,同时兼顾相关领域实践人员的知识需求。  知识新颖,引用最新的法律法规、案例和数据。  体例活泼,强调图表有机结合,栏目多样化。



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  •   没有翻译对照,阅读很困难。专业词汇多,难懂。只能由英语棒的专家教才行,一般英语老师不可能胜任。

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