
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:布鲁范德  页数:571  






1 Introduction 1.1  CAD Tool Flows    1.1.1  Custom VLSI and Cell Design Flow    1.1.2  Hierarchical Cell/Block ASIC Flow  1.2  What This Book Is and Isn't  1.3  Bugs in the Tools?  1.4  Tool Setup and Execution Scripts   1.5  Typographical Conventions2 Cadence DFII and ICFB 2.1  Cadence Design Framework 2.2  Starting Cadence 2.3  Summary3 Composer Schematic Capture 3.1  Starting Cadence and Making a New   Working Library 3.2  Creating a New Cell    3.2.1  Creating the Schematic View of a Full Adder    3.2.2  Creating the Symbol View of a Full Adder    3.2.3  Creating a Two-Bit Adder Using the FullAdder Bit 3.3  Schematics that Use Transistors 3.4  Printing Schematics    3.4.1  Modifying PostScript Plot Files  3.5  Variable, Pin, and Cell Naming Restrictions  3.6  Summary4  Verilog Simulation  4.1  Verflog Simulation of Composer Schematics   4.1.1  Verilog-XL: Simulating a Schematic    4.1.2  NC_Verilog: Simulating a Schematic  4.2  Behavioral Verilog Code in Composer    4.2.1  Generating a Behavioral View    4.2.2  Simulating a Behavioral View  4.3  Stand-Alone Verilog Simulation    4.3.1   Verilog-XL    4.3.2  NC_Verilog    4.3.3  VCS  4.4  Timing in Verilog Simulations     4.4l  Behavioral Versus Transistor Switch Simulation    4.4.2  Behavioral Gate Timing    4.4.3  Standard Delay Format (SDF) Timing    4.4.4  Transistor Timing 4.5  Summary5 Virtuoso Layout Editor  5.1  An Inverter Schematic   5.1.1  Starting Cadence kfb    5.1.2  Making an Inverter Schematic    5.1.3  Making an Inverter Symbol  5.2  Layout for an Inverter    5.2.1  Creating a New layout View    5.2.2  Drawing an nmosTransistor    5.2.3  Drawing a pmos Transistor    5.2.4  Assembling the Inverter from the Transistor Layouts    5.2.5  Using Hierarchy in Layout    5.2.6  Virtuoso Command Overview ……6  Standard Cell Design Template7  Spectre Analog Simulator8  Cell Characterization9  Verilog Synthesis10  Abstract Generation11  SOC Encounter Place and Route12  Chip Assembly13  Design ExampleA  Tool and Setup ScriptsB  Scripts to Drive the ToolsC  Technology and Cell LibrariesBibliographyIndex



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用户评论 (总计12条)


  •   有点像内部的使用指南,提供的那些脚本,用于工作则有些不足,用于学习则不如直接在书中给出原始命令,弄些脚本很影响阅读。因为光看脚本名不看脚本内容的话,学不到多少东西,可是看看脚本内容,则发现脚本中很多内容是跟IC设计不直接相关的,毕竟这不是讲SHELL脚本,还是越直接进入主题越有利于学习。
  •   很基础的一本书,IC初学者使用,是个入门手册。
  •   对这本书很满意,讲解深入浅出。喜欢
  •   非常好,很喜欢。很实用
  •   很基础,偏重于cadencecircuits设计
  •   写得很详细。。要是有个光盘。给一下书上所说的库更好了。这样也可以在自己机子上仿真了。
  •   大概一个流程通讲一遍
  •   内容介绍还算马马虎虎,主要还是要靠实践了。
  •   看看流程还可以。要搞懂还是得看cdnshelp&
  •   不过,买了之后发现书的内容其实很空洞,在实践中没有起多大作用
  •   内容针对VSLI design的tool,不过如果没能拿到library练习的话无法真正体会一些tool的用法
  •   内容还可以,就是有点儿过时,已经不是当前版本的东西了。

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