
出版时间:2008-7  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:(美)戴特尔 著  页数:1109  字数:1882000  


本书是专为初学Java编程的读者准备的。全书共分29章及14个附录,前3章主要讲述计算机、Internet、Web及Java应用、类及对象等概念,后面的各章涉及控制语句、方法、数组、继承、多态、GUI组件、图形与Java 2D、异常处理、文件与流、递归、查找与排序、数据结构、泛型、集合、applet、多媒体、多线程、网络、JDBC、aervlet、JSP、格式化输出、字符串/字符及正则表达式等内容。随书CD-ROM中的9个附录是对全书的重要补充,以7种不同的小图标列出的提示性文字也是本书的特色之一。    本书适合作为计算机及相关专业的教材,也适合希望学习Java编程的初学者。


Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers,the Internet and the World Wide Web.Chapter 2 Introduction to Java ApplicationsChapter 3 Introduction to Classes and ObjectsChapter 4 Control Statements:Part 1Chapter 5 Control Statements:Part 2Chapter 6 Methods:A Deeper LookChapter 7 ArraysChapter 8 Classes and Objects:A Deeper LookChapter 9 Object-Oriented Programming:InheritanceChapter 10 Object-Oriented Programming:PolymorphismChapter 11 GUI Components:Part 1Chapter 12 Graphics and Java 2DTMChapter 13 Exception HandlingChapter 14 Files and StreamsChapter 15 RecursionChapter 16 Searching and SortingChapter 17 Data StructuresChapter 18 GenericsChapter 19 CollectionsChapter 20 Introduction to Java AppletsChapter 21 Multimedia:Applets and ApplicationsChapter 22 GUI Components:Part 2Chapter 23 MultithreadingChapter 24 NetworkingChapter 25 Accessing Databases with JDBCChapter 26 ServletsChapter 27 JavaServer Pages(JSP)Chapter 28 Formatted OutputChapter 29 Strings,Characters and Regular ExpressionsAppendix A Operator Precedence ChartAppendix B ASCII Character SetAppendix C Keywords and Reserved WordsAppendix D Primitive TypesAppendix E (On CD) Number SystemsAppendix F (On CD)UnicodeAppendix G Using the Java API DocumentationAppendix I (On CD)Creating Documentation with javadocAppendix I (On CD)Bit ManipulationAppendix J (On CD)ATM Case Study CodeAppendix K (On CD)Labeled break and continue StatementsAppendix L (On CD)UML2:Additional Diagram TypesAppendix M (On CD)Design PatternsAppendix N (On CD)Using the DebuggerIndex




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  •   国外经典大学教材,值得一看,值得学习!
  •   这本书很经典!可惜没有中文版的。。。
  •   经典语言教程,不错不错
  •   还好..质量挺不错的
  •   虽是英文,看懂还是很容易,但书的内部有的纸张质量不好,内容简单,虽全面,但不够深入。

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