出版时间:2008-6 出版社:电子工业出版社 作者:埃弗扎 页数:553
UNIX是一类功能强大的主流操作系统。本书从初学者的角度介绍了UNIX的系统概念及其命令的使用,阐述的内容都是针对初学者完成日常工作所必需的各个方面,涉及UNIX系统的常用命令、UNIX文件系统、vi编辑器和Emacs编辑器、UNIX通信工具、shell命令和程序开发,以及一些更为深入的UNIX命令。书中还介绍了Linux操作系统以及Bourne Again Shell命令等。本书帮助读者由浅入深、循序渐进地学习UNIX,形成清晰的概念,并且避免了直接罗列复杂的命令格式。 本书可作为UNIX课程的教学用书或参考书,也可供使用UNIX的科技工作进阅读和参考
作者:(美国)埃弗扎(Amir Afzal)
1 First Things First 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 COMPUTERS: AN OVERVIEW 1.3 COMPUTER HARDWARE 1.3.1 Input Devices 1.3.2 Processor Unit 1.3.3 Internal Memory 1.3.4 External Storage 1.3.5 Output Devices 1.4 PROCESS OPERATION 1.4.1 Performance Measurement 1.5 WHAT IS SOFTWARE?. 1.5.1 System Software 1.5.2 Application Software REVIEW EXERCISES2 The UNIX Operating System 2.1 UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM: A BRIEF HISTORY 2.1.1 UNIX System V 2.1.2 Berkeley UNIX 2.1.3 UNIX Standards 2.2 OTHER UNIX SYSTEMS 2.2.1 Linux 2.2.2 Solaris 2.2.3 Unix Ware 2.2.4 Which UNIX to Learn? 2.2.5 X Window System 2.3 OVERVIEW OF THE UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM 2.4 UNiX FEATURES 2.4.1 Portability 2.4.2 Multiuser Capability 2.4.3 Multitasking Capability 2.4.4 Hierarchical File System 2.4.5 Device-Independent Input and Output Operations 2.4.6 User Interface: Shell 2.4.7 Utilities 2.4.8 System Services REVIEW EXERCISES3 Getting Started 3.1 ESTABLISHING CONTACT WiTH UNIX 3.1.1 Logging In 3.1.2 Changing Your Password: The passwd Command 3.1.3 General Rules for Choosing Passwords 3.1.4 Logging Off 3.2 USING SOME SIMPLE COMMANDS 3.2.1 The Command Line 3.2.2 Basic Command Line Structure 3.2,3 Date and Time Display: The date Command 3.2.4 Information on Users: The who Command 3.2.5 Displaying a Calendar: The Pal Command 3.3 GETTING HELP 3,3.1 Using the learn Command 3.3.2 Using the help Command 3.3.3 Getting More Information: The UNIX Manual 3.3.4 Using the Electronic Manual: The man Command 3.4 CORRECTING TYPING MISTAKES 3.5 USING SHELLS AND UTILITIES 3.5.1 Kinds of Shells 3.5.2 Changing Your Shell 3.5.3 The Shells in This Book 3.6 MORE ABOUT THE LOGGING-IN PROCESS COMMAND SUMMARY REVIEW EXERCISES Terminal Session4 The vi Editor: First Look 4.1 WHAT IS AN EDITOR? 4.1.1 UNIX-Supported Editors ……5 Introduction to the UMIX File System6 The vi Editor:Last Look7 The Emacs Editor8 The UMIX File System Continued 9 Exploring the Shell10 UMIX Communication11 Program Development13 Shell Programming13 Shell Scripts:Writing Applications14 FAREWELL TO UMIXAppendixIndex
插图:The shell is the parent' process, and when created, the Is program becomes the child process. The parent process (shell) cals fork. The fork routine duplicates the parent (shell) process, and if the creation of the child process is successful, assigns the child process a P!D and adds it to the system process table. Next, the parent receives the child PID, the child receives code zero, and control is returned to the parent. The shell calls the wait routine and goes to the wait state (goes to sleep). Meanwhile, the child gets control and calls exec to overlay the child process area with the new program——in this case Is, the command you typed. Now Is carries out the command. It lists your current directory filenames, and when it is finished processing, it calls exit. Thus the child dies.The death of the child generates an event signal. The parent process (shell) is waiting for this event. It is awakened and gets control. The shell program continues, starting execution from the same address it was at before going to sleep (recall that this address was stored in the process table system data area as return address), and the prompt is displayed.What happens if the child is a background process? In that case, the parent (shell) does not call the wait routine; it continues in the foreground, and you see the prompt right away.What creates the first parent and child processes? When UNIX is booted, the init process is activated. Next, init creates one system process for each terminal. Thus, init is the original ancestor to all the processes in the system. For example, if your system supports 64 concurrent terminals, then init creates 64processes. When you log in to one of these processes, the login process executes the shell Later, when you log out (when the shell dies), init creates a new login process.