
出版时间:2008-11  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:(美)戴特尔(Deitel,H.M) 著  页数:1054  


Welcome to C++ and C++ How to Program, Fifth Edition! C++ is a world-class programming language for developing industrial strength, high-performance computer applications. We believe that this book and its support materials have everything instructors and students need for an informative, interesting, challenging and entertaining C++ educational experience. In this Preface, we overview the many new features of C++ How to Program, 5/e. The Tour of the Booksection of the Preface gives instructors, students and professionals a sense of C++ How to Program, 5/e's coverage of C++ and objectoriented programming. We also overview various conventions used in the book, such as syntax coloring the code examples, "code washing" and code highlighting. We provide information about free compilers that you can f'md on the Web. We also discuss the comprehensive suite of educational materials that help instructors maximize their students' learning experience, including the Instructor's Resource CD, PowerPoint  Slide lecture notes, course management systems, SafariX (Pearson Education's WebBook publications) and more.


本书是一本c++编程方面的优秀教程,全面介绍了过程式编程与面向对象编程的原理与方法,细致地分析了各种性能问题、可移植性问题及可能出错的情况。与第四版相比,本书从内容和结构上都做了较大幅度的修订与有意义的提升,特别是在“尽早接触类和对象”这一观点的指导下,从第1章就开始介绍类和对象的内容。突破了传统的教学模式,使学生直接“考虑对象”和深入掌握面向对象的基本概念。作者通过大量的示例程序,重点突出了利用UMI_.进行面向对象的设计,引入了使用CGI的Web应用开发,并且帮助学生创建真实世界的c++应用程序。本书无论从广度还是深度上来说都非常全面,并且从基础概念讲起,同样适合没有编程经验的读者学习。    本书可作为高等院校相关专业的编程语言教材和c++编程教材,也是软件设计人员进行C++程序开发的宝贵参考资料。


作者:(美国)戴特尔 (H.M.Deitel) (美国)P.J.Deitel


Chapter1 Introduction to computers,the Internet and World Wide WebChapter2 Introduction to C++ProgrammingChapter3 Introduction to Classes and ObjectsChapter4 Control Statements:Part1Chapter5 Control Statements:Part2Chapter6 Functions and an Introduction to RecursionChapter7 Arrays and VectorsChapter8 Pointers and Pointer-Based StringsChapter9 Classes:A Deeper Look,Part1Chapter10 Classes:A Deeper Look,Part2 Chapter11 Operayot Overloading; String and Array ObjectsChapter12 Object-Oriented Programming:InheritanceChapter13 Object-Oriented Programming:PolymorphismChapter14 TemplatesChapter15 Stream Input/OutputChapter16 Exception HandlingChapter17 File ProcessingChapter18 Class string and string stream processingChapter19 Web ProgrammingChapter20 Searching and SortingChapter21 Data structuresChapter22 Bits,Characters,C-Strings and StructsChapter23 Standard Template Library(STL)Chapter24 Other TopicsAppendix A Operator Precedence and Associativity ChartAppendix B ASCII Character SetAppendix C Fundamental TypesAppendix D Number SystemsAppendix E C Legacy Code TopicsAppendix F PreprocessorAppendix G ATM Case study CodeAppendix H UML2:Additional Diagram TypesAppendix I C++Internet and Web ResourcesAppendix J Introduction to XHTMLAppendix K XHTML Special CharactersAppendix L Using the Visual Studio.NET DebuggerAppendix M Using the GNUC++ DebuggerBibliographyIndex








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用户评论 (总计11条)


  •   之前上C++课时老师讲得实在是太乏味了....自己学了java后再回头来看c++感觉不会太痛苦,这本书绝对对初学者负责...循序渐进....始终围绕着现实生活中的例子让人看了非常有兴趣....每一行代码都有解释...也不时夹杂着一些编程技巧及良好的编程规范等提示...并且早早的就探讨了面向对象的一些概念,再回头看以前上课的那本课本(这里就不透露书名了,失眠时可以看),相形见拙,并且其中的英文也不难(想靠编程吃饭,英语不过关就死心吧),绝对推荐给从未接触过C++的朋友
  •   想学好C++就从英文版C++大学教程开始吧 既提高C++编程水平 又提高英语能力 对准备出国的孩子非常有用
  •   deitel大神的书就不用多说了,纸张质量也很好,英文版又可以学英语
  •   在国内很少能买到外国的教材,这本全英文的的书就不错哦。
  •   书强大
  •   发货速度很快,当当快递真的蛮给力的,书很新,还没拆开看
  •   現在真在研讀,感覺比國內的一些書寫的好:簡單易懂
  •   很好,收到很快~很满意的书
  •   先介绍类和对象是这本书一个很大的特点
  •   书的内容不错,但是字太小的,看起来不太舒服!!
  •   非常喜欢,纸质也不错,字很清晰

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