
出版时间:2007-4  出版社:电子工业  作者:舍恩霍夫  页数:653  


  信号检测与估计是研究在噪声、干扰和信号共存的环境中如何正确发现、辨别和测量信号的技术,广泛应用于雷达和无线通信等领域。本书详细讲解了信号检测与估计的理论知识与实践应用,共分为四个部分。第一部分概述后续章节需要用到的基础知识,第二部分讲述检测理论的基础概念,包括二元假设检验、备择假设检验、具有随机参量的复合假设检验及非参量检验等。第三部分介绍单参数和多参数的估值方法以及波形估计理论。第四部分介绍某些理论的特定应用。全书共19章,各章都附有大量例题和习题,并给出数个MATLAB计算机仿真实验,以加深读者对于抽象理论的理解,便于读者实践掌握。  本书可作为高等院校通信类、信息类、电子类和控制类等专业的研究生或高年级本科生的专业教材,也可作为相关科研人员的参考用书。


Part Ⅰ Review Chapters Chapter 1 Review of Probability  1.1 Chapter Highlights  1.2 Definition of Probability  1.3 Conditional Probability  1.4 Bayes' Theorem  1.5 Independent Events  1.6 Random Variables  1.7 Conditional Distributions and Densities  1.8 Functions of One Random Variable  1.9 Moments of a Random Variable  1.10   Distributions with Two Random Variables  1.11   Multiple Random Variables  1.12   Mean-Square Error (MSE) Estimation  1.13   Bibliographical Notes  1.14   Problems Chapter 2 Stochastic Processes  2.1 Chapter Highlights  2.2 Stationary Processes  2.3 Cyclostationary Processes  2.4 Averages and Ergodicity  2.5 Autocorrelation Function  2.6 Power Spectral Density  2.7 Discrete-Time Stochastic Processes  2.8 Sspatial Stochastic Processes  2.9 Random Signals  2.10   Bibliographical Notes  2.11   Problems Chapter 3  Signal Representations and Statistics  3.1 Chapter Highlights  3.2 Relationship of Power Spectral Density and Autocorrelation Functi  3.3 Sampling Theorem  3.4 Linear Time-Invariant and Linear Shift-Invariant Systems  3.5 Bandpass Signal Representations  3.6 Bibliographical Notes  3.7 ProblemsPart Ⅱ  Detection Chapters Chapter 4  Single Sample Detection of Binary Hypotheses  4.1 Chapter Highlights  4.2 Hypothesis Testing and the MAP Criterion  4.3 Bayes Criterion  4.4 Minimax Criterion  4.5 Neyman-Pearson Criterion  4.6 Summary of Detection-Criterion Results Used in Chapter 4 Examples  4.7 Sequential Detection  4.8 Bibliographical Notes  4.9 Problems Chapter 5  Multiple Sample Detection of Binary Hypotheses  5.1 Chapter Highlights  5.2 Examples of Multiple Measurements  5.3 Bayes Criterion  5.4 Other Criteria  5.5 The Optimum Digital Detector in Additive Gaussian Noise  5.6 Filtering Alternatives  5.7 Continuous Signals  White Gaussian Noise  5.8 Continuous Signals  Colored Gaussian Noise  5.9 Performance of Binary Receivers in AWGN  5.10   Further Receiver-Structure Considerations  5.11   Sequential Detection and Performance……Part Ⅲ  Estimation ChaptersPart Ⅳ  Application ChaptersAppendix A  Properties of Distribution and Density Functions Appendix B  Common pdfs,cdfs, and characteristic FunctionsAppendix C  Multiple Normal Random VariablesAppendix D  Properties of Autocorrelation and Power Spectral DensityAppendix E  Equivalence of LTI and LSI Bandlimited SystemsAppendix F  Theory of Random SumsAppendix G  Evaluations Useful for Chapters6,7,and 16Appendix H  Gram-Charlier Type SeriesAppendix I  Mobile User DetectionBibliographyGlossaryList of SymbolsIndex






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  •   并不需要读者的英文水平很高。而且例题很多。
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