出版时间:2006-7 出版社:电子工业出版社 作者:史密斯 页数:638 字数:918000
本书介绍了虚拟机在操作系统、程序设计语言和计算机体系结构方面的应用。本书内容全面,处于学科的最前沿。书中以清晰而深入的方式,借助有效的应用实例和案例研究,包括IBM的Daisy,HP的Dynamo以及Intel/Microsoft的EL等各种系统,阐明了虚拟机的基本概念和原理。内容涉及虚拟机的分类、虚拟机的抽象、用目标指令集系统仿真源指令集系统、进程虚拟机的实现、用于提高仿真性能的代码优化技术、高级语言虚拟机及其实现、协同设计虚拟机、多处理器系统的虚拟化,以及其他新兴的虚拟机应用。 本书适合于现代计算机体系结构设计、程序设计语言、操作系统和安全技术,以及系统实现方面的学生和从业者阅读。对未来计算系统感兴趣的读者,同样会从本书中获益。
chapter one lntroduction to virtual machines 1.1 computer architecture 1.2 virtual machine basics 1.3 process virtual machines 1.4 system virtual machines 1.5 a taxonomy 1.6 summary:the verstility of virtual machineschapter two emulation:lnterpetation and binary translation 2.1 basic interpretation 2.2 threaded interpreaaoion 2.3 predecoding and direct threaded interpretation 2.4 interpreting a complex instruction set 2.5 binary translation 2.6 gode discovery and dynamic translation 2.7 control transfer optimizations 2.8 instruction set issues 2.9 case study:shade and the role of emulation during simulation 2.10 summary:performance tradeoffschapter three process virtual machines 3.1 virtual machine implementation 3.2 compatibility 3.3 state mapping 3.4 memory architecture emulation 3.5 instruction emulation 3.6 exception emulation 3.7 operating system emulation 3.8 code cache management 3.9 system envionment 3.10 case study:fx!32 3.11 summarychapter four dynamic binary optimiztion 4.1 dynamic program behavior 4.2 profiling 4.3 optimizing translation blocks 4.4 optimization framework 4.5 code reordering 4.6 code optimizations 4.7 same-isa optimization systems:special-case process virtual machines 4.8 summarychapter five high-level language virtual machine architecturechapte six high-levei language virtualmachine implementationchapter seven codesigned virtual machineschapter eight system virtual machimeschapter nine multiprocessor virtualizationchapter ten emerging appliationsappendix a real machinesreferenceslndex