出版时间:2006-9 出版社:电子工业出版社 作者:杰克·吉多 页数:462 字数:500000
本书是一部既反映传统和现代项目管理实践,又含有许多现代管理思想、管理技巧和方法的优秀著作。自1999年面世以来,在世界及中国项目管理业内产生了巨大的影响。作者吉多教授和克莱门斯教授在本新版中依据美国项目管理协会最新版《项目管理知识体系指南》(PMBOK2004),加入了项目管理的最新实践和教学经验。 本书以管理为导向,剖析了项目生命期各阶段的管理要点,生动地刻画了项目经理、项目团队的职责和作用,深入研究和分析了有效组织与沟通的种种方法。翻阅本书的内容,令人有耳目一新之感。
JamesP.Clements is the Vice President for Economic and Com-munity Outreach at Towsom University and the Robert W.Deutsch Distinguished Professor lf Information Technology.He previouslycerved as the executive diyector of the Center for Applied Information
Part1 THE LIFE OF A PROJEcT Project Management Concepts Attributes Of a Project Project Life Cycle The Project Managenent Process Benefits of Project Managenent Summary Questioms wold wide wed Exercises Case study#1 A Not-for-profit Organization Case Study#2 E-Commerce for a Small SuPermarket Needs Identification Needs Identification Project selection Preparinga Request FOr Proposal SlokcitingProposals Summary Questioms wold wide wed Exercises Case study#1 A Midsize Pharmaceutical Company Case Study#2 Transportation Improvements Proposdd Solutions Pre-RFP/Proposal Marketing Bif/Mo-BIDDecision Developing a winningProposal ProposalPreparation Proposal Contents Technical section Management section Cost section Pricing Considerations Proposal Submission and follow-up CustomerEvaluation of Proposals Types of Contracts Fixed-price Contracts COst-Reimbursement Contracts COntractprovisions Summary Questioms wold wide wed Exercises Case study#1 Medical Informationsystems Case Study#2 Wedding planner The project Planningthe Project ManagintRisk RIsk Identification' Risk Assessment Risk Response Planning Risk Monitoring Perflrming the project controlling the project terminating the project Internalpostproject Evaluation Carly Project Tenination Summary Questioms wold wide wed Exercises Case study#1 AnElectronics Manufacturing Company Case Study#2 factory ExpansionprojectPart2PROJECT PKANNING ANDCONTROLPart3 PEOPLE:THE KEY TO PROJEcT SUCCESS