
出版时间:2006-3  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:米特拉  页数:489  


  2001年7月间,电子工业出版社的领导同志邀请各高校十几位通信领域方面的老师,商量引进国外教材问题。与会同志对出版社提出的计划十分赞同,大家认为,这对我国通信事业、特别是对高等院校通信学科的教学工作会很有好处。. 教材建设是高校教学建设的主要内容之一。编写、出版一本好的教材,意味着开设了一门好的课程,甚至可能预示着一个崭新学科的诞生。20世纪40年代MIT林肯实验室出版的一套28本雷达丛书,对近代电子学科、特别是对雷达技术的推动作用,就是一个很好的例子。我国领导部门对教材建设一直非常重视。20世纪80年代,在原教委教材编审委员会的领导下,汇集了高等院校几百位富有教学经验的专家..


本书是在数字信号领域的经典教材Digital Signal Processing-A Computer Based Approach,(第三版)的基础上改编而成,内容涵盖了信号与信号处理、时域中的离散时间信号和系统、变换域中的离散时间信号、变换域中的LTI离散时间系统、连续时间信号的数字处理、数字滤波器的结构与设计等方面。本书的特点在于讲解上述内容的同时,给出了MATLAB程序验证,并有大量的高质量的习题和仿真作业。    本书可作为高等院校电子信息类专业本科生或低年级研究生的教材,尤其适用于双语教学,也可供有关技术、科研管理人员使用,或作为继续教育的参考书。


Sanjit K. Mitra:于加州大学伯克利分校获得电子工程专业的硕士和博士学位,并于芬兰坦佩雷理工大学获得名誉技术博士。先后供职于康奈尔大学美国电话电报公司贝尔实验室、加州大学戴维斯分校、圣巴巴拉分校(电气和计算机工程系教授)。Mitra博士发表了500多篇期刊和会议论文


1 Signals and Signal Processing 1.1 Characterization and Classification of Signals  1.2 Typical Signal Processing Operations  1.3 Examples of Typical Signals  1.4 Typical Signal Processing Applications  1.5 Why Digital Signal Processing? 2 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems 2.1 Discrete-Time Signals  2.2 Typical Sequences and Sequence Representation  2.3 Discrete-Time Systems  2.4 Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-Time Systems  2.5 Classification of LTI Discrete-Time Systems  2.9 Correlation of Signals  2.6 Summary  2.7 Problems  2.8 Matlab Exercises 3 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 3.1 The Continuous-Time Fourier Transform  3.2 The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform  3.3 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Theorems  3.4 DTFT Computation Using Matlab  3.5 The Unwrapped Phase Function  3.6 The Frequency Response of an LTI Discrete-Time System  3.7 Phase and Group Delays  3.8 Summary  3.9 Problems  3.10 Matlab Exercises 4 Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Sampling of Continuous-Time Signals  4.3 Sampling of Bandpass Signals  4.4 Analog Lowpass Filter Design  4.5 Design of Analog Highpass Filters 4.6 Anti-Aliasing Filter Design  4.7 Reconstruction Filter Design  4.8 Summary  4.9 Problems  4.10 Matlab Exercises 5 Finite-Length Discrete Transforms 5.1 Orthogonal Transforms 5.2 The Discrete Fourier Transform  5.3 Relation Between the Fourier Transform and the DFT, and Their Inverses 5.4 Operations on Finite-Length Sequences  5.5 Classifications of Finite-Length Sequences  5.6 DFT Symmetry Relations  5.7 Discrete Fourier Transform Theorems  5.8 Fourier-Domain Filtering  5.9 Computation of the DFT of Real Sequences  5.10 Linear Convolution using the DFT  5.11 Discrete Cosine Transform  5.12 Summary  5.13 Problems 5.14 Matlab Exercises 6 z-Transform 6.1 Definition and Properties  6.2 Rational z-Transforms  6.3 Region of Convergence of a Rational z-Transform  6.4 The Inverse z-Transform  6.5 z-Transform Properties 6.6 Computation of the Convolution Sum of Finite-Length Sequences  6.7 The Transfer Function  6.8 Summary  6.9 Problems  6.10 Matlab Exercises 7 LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Transform Domain 7.1 Transfer Function Classification Based on Magnitude Characteristics  7.2 Transfer Function Classification Based on Phase Characteristics  7.3 Types of linear-Phase Transfer Functions  7.4 Simple Digital Filters  7.5 Digital Two-Pairs  7.6 Summary  7.7 Problems  7.8 Matlab Exercises 8 Digital Filter Structures 8.1 Block Diagram Representation  8.2 Equivalent Structures  8.3 Basic FIR Digital Filter Structures  8.4 Basic IIR Digital Filter Structures  8.5 Realization of Basic Structures Using Matlab  8.6 Allpass Filters 8.7 Computational Complexity of Digital Filter Structures 8.8 Summary  8.9 Problems 8.10 Matlab Exercises 9 IIR Digital Filter Design 9.1 Preliminary Considerations  9.2 Bilinear Transformation Method of IIR Filter Design  9.3 Design of Lowpass IIR Digital Filters  9.4 Design of Highpass, Bandpass, and Bandstop IIR Digital Filters  9.5 Spectral Transformations of IIR Filters  9.6 IIR Digital Filter Design Using Matlab  9.7 Computer-Aided Design of IIR Digital Filters  9.8 Summary 9.9 Problems  9.10 Matlab Exercises 10 FIR Digital Filter Design 10.1 Preliminary Considerations 10.2 FIR Filter Design Based onWindowed Fourier Series 10.3 Computer-Aided Design of Equiripple Linear-Phase FIR Filters  10.4 Design of Minimum-Phase FIR Filters  10.5 FIR Digital Filter Design Using Matlab  10.6 Summary 10.7 Problems 10.8 Matlab Exercises 11 DSP Algorithm Implementation  11.1 Basic Issues……Bibliography


  《数字信号处理:基于计算机的方法》(第3版英文改编版)包含用于分析和设计离散系统信号处理的工具,适合用做一学期的“数字信号处理”课程,读者对象为本科高年级学生或一年级研究生,也可供工程技术人员或科技人员自学使用。  《数字信号处理:基于计算机的方法》(第3版英文改编版)使用了大量基于MATLAB的实例,以演示MATLAB解决信号处理问题的能力,从日常生活出发引出信号处理的问题,并给出实际应用,帮助理解信号处理概念。强调掌握概念与工具,而非数学推导,论述几个关键主题:模拟滤波器的设计、数字滤波器的结构与设计、快速傅里叶算法等。  《数字信号处理:基于计算机的方法》(第3版英文改编版)可作为高等院校电子信息类专业本科生或低年级研究生的教材,尤其适用于双语教学,也可供有关技术、科研管理人员使用,或作为继续教育的参考书。




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  •   书是双语教程的经典书,三天收到,服务很好
  •   翻了翻还是不错的,不过不是原著.改编版本.这个是自己没有看清楚,价格合适就买了.本来是要买原著的,
  •   删了不少内容

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