
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:董莉 编  页数:312  字数:480000  


随着中外交流及合作的领域在不断扩展,内容不断加深,将我国的科技发展现状与独特文化介绍给世界各国成为翻译工作者面临巨大的挑战,需要他们成为既精通英语又具备基本专业知识的复合型人才。传统翻译教材往往侧重于翻译方法和技巧,实用性较差,无法满足时代要求。    本书针对上述情况做了大胆尝试,不仅简要介绍了英汉互译的理论知识、常用翻译技巧,而且对科技、法律、新闻、广告、旅游、商务等各种常见文体的英汉互译进行讲解分析,并附以典型实例。选例典型,有时代性,译文准确流畅,雅俗共赏。


Preface	Part One    Stylistic Theories  Chapter   1  Introduction to Stylistics  Chapter   2  How to Analyze Styles	  Chapter   3  Style and Situation	  Chapter   4  Style and Alternative Choices	  Chapter   5  Style and Deviation	  Chapter   6  Style and the Man himself 	  Chapter   7  Style and Rhetoric	  Chapter   8  Style and Skill	  Chapter   9  Style and Schema	  Chapter 10  Models of Stylistics	Part Two    Stylistic Varieties  Chapter 11  Poetry	  Chapter 12  Fiction	  Chapter 13  Drama 	  Chapter 14  Exposition	  Chapter 15  Definition	  Chapter 16  Description 	  Chapter 17  Narration	  Chapter 18  Argument 	  Chapter 19  Judgement	  Chapter 20  Advertisement Part Three    Styles of Famous Writers  Chapter 21  Frank and Honest Satirical Style: Bernard Shaw	  Chapter 22  Language Style to Suit to Character and Identity:Charles Dickens	  Chapter 23  Critical Reputation in Life and Style: Ernest Hemingway	  Chapter 24  Stylistic Directness, Terseness and Forcefulness: Francis Bacon	  Chapter 25  Stylistic Stream-of-Consciousness and Invention of Novel Theory: Henry James 	  Chapter 26  Stylistic Art and Aesthetics: Thomas Hardy	  Chapter 27  Realistic and Humorous Style: Mark Twain	  Chapter 28  Stylistic Impact on American Poetry: T. S. Eliot 	  Chapter 29  Grotesque and Dramatizing Style: William Faulkner 	  Chapter 30  Stylistic Art of Language: William Shakespeare	Bibliography



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