出版时间:2005-2-1 出版社:电子工业出版社 作者:戈德赖克 页数:798 字数:627000
密码学涉及解决通信保密问题的计算系统的概念、定义及构造。密码系统的设计必须基于坚实的基础。本书继上一卷对这一基础问题再次给出了系统而严格的论述:用已有工具来定义密码系统的目标并解决新的密码学问题。全书详细阐述了三种基本应用:加密、签名和一般的密码学协议。该书的重点是澄清基本概念及证明密码学问题解决方法的可行性,而不侧重于对特殊方法的描述。 本书可作为密码学、应用数学、信息安全等专业的研究生教材,也可作为相关专业人员的参考用书。
Oded Goldreich 以色列魏茨曼科学研究所的计算机科学教授,现任Meyer W.Weisgal讲座教授。作为一名活跃的学者,他已经发表了大量密码学方面的论文,是密码学领域公认的世界级专家。他还是“Journal of Cryptology”,“SIAM Journal on Computing”杂志的编辑,1999年在Spri
5 Encryption Schemes 5.1. The Basic Setting 5.1.1. Private-Key Versus Public-Key Schemes 5.1.2. The Syntax of Encryption Schemes 5.2. Definitions of Security 5.2.1. Semantic Security 5.2.2. Indistinguishability of Encryptions 5.2.3. Equivalence of the Security Definitions 5.2.4. Multiple Messages 5.2.5.* A Uniform-Complexity Treatment 5.3. Constructions of Secure Encryption Schemes 5.3.1.* Stream-Ciphers 5.3.2. Preliminaries: Block-Ciphers 5.3.3. Private-Key Encryption Schemes 5.3.4. Public-Key Encryption Schemes 5.4.* Beyond Eavesdropping Security 5.4.1. Overview 5.4.2. Key-Dependent Passive Attacks 5.4.3. Chosen Plaintext Attack 5.4.4. Chosen Ciphertext Attack 5.4.5. Non-Malleable Encryption Schemes 5.5. Miscellaneous 5.5.1. On Using Encryption Schemes 5.5.2. On Information-Theoretic Security 5.5.3. On Some Popular Schemes 5.5.4. HistOrical Notes 5.5.5. SuggestiOns f-0r Further Reading 5.5.6.Open Problems 5.5.7 Exercises6 Digital Signatures and Message Authentication 6.1. The Setting and Definitional Issues 6.1.1. The Two Types of Schemes: A Brief Overview 6.1.2. Introduction to the Unified Treatment 6.1.3. Basic Mechanism 6.1.4. Attacks and Security 6.1.5.* Variants 6.2. Length-Restricted Signature Scheme 6.2.1. Definition 6.2.2. The Power of Length-Restricted Signature Schemes 6.2.3.* Constructing Collision-Free Hashing Functions 6.3. Constructions of Message-Authentication Schemes 6.3.1. Applying a Pseudorandom Function to the Document 6.3.2.* More on Hash-and-Hide and State-Based MACs 6.4. Constructions of Signature Schemes 6.4.1. One-Time Signature Schemes 6.4.2. From One-Time Signature Schemes to General Ones 6.4.3.* Universal One-Way Hash Functions and Using Them 6.5.* Some Additional Properties 6.5.1. Unique Signatures 6.5.2. Super-Secure Signature Schemes 6.5.3. Off-Line/On-Line Signing 6.5.4. Incremental Signatures 6.5.5. Fail-Stop Signatures 6.6. Miscellaneous 6.6.1. On Using Signature Schemes 6.6.2. On Information-Theoretic Security 6.6.3. On Some Popular Schemes 6.6.4. Historical Notes 6.6.5. Suggestions for Further Reading 6.6.6. Open Problems 6.6.7. Exercises7 General Cryptographic Protocols 7.1. Overview 7.1.1. The Definitional Approach and Some Models 7.1.2. Some Known Results 7.1.3. Construction Paradigms 7.2.* The Two-Party Case: Definitions 7.2.1. The Syntactic Framework 7.2.2. The Semi-Honest Model 7.2.3. The Malicious Model 7.3.* Privately Computing (Two-Party) Functionalities 7.3.1. Privacy Reductions and a Composition Theorem 7.3.2. The OT Protocol: Definition and Construction 7.3.3. Privately Computing c + c2 = (al + a2). (hi + b2) 7.3.4. The Circuit Evaluation Protocol 7.4.* Forcing (Two-Party) Semi-Honest Behavior 7.4.1. The Protocol Compiler: Motivation and Overview 7.4.2. Security Reductions and a Composition Theorem 7.4.3. The Compiler: Functionalities in Use 7.4.4. The Compiler Itself 7.5.* Extension to the Multi-Party Case 7.5.1. Definitions 7.5.2. Security in the Semi-Honest Model 7.5.3. The Malicious Models: Overview and Preliminaries 7.5.4. The First Compiler: Forcing Semi-Honest Behavior 7.5.5. The Second Compiler: Effectively Preventing Abort 7.6.* Perfect Security in the Private Channel Model 7.6.1. Definitions 7.6.2. Security in the Semi-Honest Model 7.6.3. Security in the Malicious Model 7.7. Miscellaneous 7.7.1.* Three Deferred Issues 7.7.2.* Concurrent Executions 7.7.3. Concluding Remarks 7.7.4. Historical Notes 7.7.5. Suggestions for Further Reading 7.7.6. Open Problems 7.7.7. ExercisesAppendix C: Corrections and Additions to Volume 1 C.4. Enhanced Trapdoor Permutations C.2. On Variants of Pseudorandom Functions C.3. On Strong Witness Indistinguishability C.3.1. On Parallel Composition C.3.2. On Theorem 4.6.8 and an Afterthought C.3.3. Consequences C.4. On Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge C.4.1. On NIZKs with Efficient Prover Strategies C.4.2. On Unbounded NIZKs C.4.3. On Adaptive NIZKs C.5. Some DevelOpments Regarding Zero-Knowledge C.6. Additional Corrections and Comments C.7. Additional MOttoesBibliographylndexNote: Asterisks indicate advanced material.