
出版时间:2004-9  出版社:电子工业出版社  作者:布朗森  页数:546  字数:790000  


  这是一本介绍C语言编程的经典教科书。作者从不同的角度出发,全面介绍了C编程中涉及到的数据类型、算术运算、逻辑运算、变量、条件语句、函数、数组、指针、字符串、结构、文件操作、位操作、宏、库函数等基本内容,使读者在学习之后就能很快掌握C编程的精髓。本书还专门介绍了C++的一些重要特性,如抽象数据类型、类和类的继承等。本书还介绍了Visual C++ 6.0和C++ Builder的使用方法,并且每章都附有大量习题,附录还列出了主要习题的答案。 


Part 1 Fundamentals Chapter 1 Getting started  1.1 Introduction to Programming  1.2 Introduction to Modularity  1.3 The printf() Function  1.4 Programming Style  1.5 Top-Down Program Development  1.6 Common Programming Errors  1.7 Chapter Summary Chapter 2 Data Types, Declarations, and Displays  2.1 Data Types  2.2 Arithmetic Operators  2.3 Displaying Numerical Results  2.4 Variables and Declarations  2.5 Integer Qualifiers  2.6 Common Programming Errors  2.7 Chapter Summary  2.8 Chapter Supplement: Bits, Bytes, Addresses, and Number Codes Chapter 3 Assignments, Addresses, and Interactive Input  3.1  Assignment  3.2  Addresses  3.3 The scanf() Function  3.4  scanf() with Buffered Input  3.5 Symbolic Constants  3.6 Common Programming Errors  3.7 Chapter Summary  3.8  Chapter Supplement: Introduction to AbstractionPart 2 Flow of Control Chapter 4 Selection Chapter 5 RepetitionPart 3 Functions Chapter 6 Writing Your Own FunctionsPart 4 Complex Data Types Chapter 7 Arrays Chapter 8 Arrays, Addresses, and Pointers Chapter 9 Character Strings Chapter 10 StructuresPart 5 Additional Topics Chapter 11 Data Files Chapter 12 Additional CapabilitiesPart 6 Introduction to C++ Chapter 13 Introduction to C++ Chapter 14 Additional Class CapabilitiesAppendix A Operator Precedence TableAppendix B ASCII Character CodesAppendix C Input, Output, and Standard Error RedirectionAppendix D The Standard C LibraryAppendix E The Standard Template Library (C++)Appendix F Program Entry, Compilation, and ExecutionAppendix G Using Visual C++ Version 6.0Appendix H Using C++ BuilderAppendix I Solutions



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