出版时间:2013-1 出版社:外文出版社 作者:《汉英词典》编写组
出版说明 汉语拼音索引 词典正文 附录: 一、数字的用法 二、常用计量单位和换算
版权页: [放射病]radiation mckneso [放射疗法]radiotherapy [放射线]radioactive rays [放射现象]radioactivity [放射性]radioactivity;activity [放射性示踪物]radioactive tracer [放射性碳素断代法]radiocarbon dating [放射性同位素]radio isotope [放射性微尘]radioactive dust;fallout [放射性污染]radioactive pollution [放射性元素]radioactive element;radioelement [放射性沾染]radioactive contamination [放射性战剂]radioactive agent [放生]free captive animals;(of Buddhists)buycaptive fish or birds and set them free [放声]raise one,s voice to the utmost [放手]①let go;let go one's hold②have a free hand;go all out ③release one's control;hand o-vertosh.else [放水]①tuur on the water②draw off some water(from a reservoir,etc.) [放肆]unbridled;wanton [放松]relax;alacken;loosen [放送]bmadoast;send out(over a loudspeaker,etc.) [放下]lay down;put down [放下包袱]cast og mental burdens [放下官架子]discard bureaucratic airs(man.nera);dmp pretentious aim and graces [放下屠刀,立地成佛] Zhe butcher who laysdown his knife at once becomes a Buddha.:A butcher becomes a Buddha the moment he drops his cleaver. [放线菌]actinomyces [放像机]videocussotte player;videotape player [放血]purposely make sh.bleed profusely.even to death:intentionally inflict fatal wounds on ob. [放心]①set one,s mind at rest;be at ease;rest assured;feel relieved②have confidence in sh.;trustsb. [放行]let sb.or sth.pass [放学]①classes oIo over;school lets out②have a holiday or vacation [放血]phlebotomy;bloodletting [放眼]take a broad view;scan widely [放眼世界]have the whole world in view;open one's eyes to the whole world [放养]put(fish.insects.etc。)in a suitable place to breed [放样]lofting.