
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:张维为  页数:211  


  China is moving toward the center of the international arena
through its miraculously rapid development, drawing the increasing
attention of world public opinion. Is China really ready for this?
Obviously, China must rethink the problems and challenges it faces
and the direction of its future development, as well as how to
respond to international concern and how best to make its own voice
This book is a collection of analyses of China's current situation
and predictions for the future by preeminent contemporary scholars,
covering a full range of topics including political reform,
international relationships, economic restructuring, environmental
protection and sustainability, urbanization, construction and
future prospects. In addition to the critical subjects and the
high-profile authors, the value of this book lies in the very
attitude of facing problems squarely, and the sharp insight and
wisdom to understand contemporary China.


China's Political Reform:
The Road to Building a "Civilized" Country
How to Judge the Political Model of China
Good Governance and Happiness
The Key to the Transformation of China's Economic
Development and its Development Trends
China in 2016: Facts and Conjecture
The Twelfth Five-Year Plan and the Megatrend of Urbanization
China's Road to Development
China's Low-Carbon Transformation:
Driving Forces, Challenges, and Paths
Change and Adjustment:
Sino-U.S. Relations and Security Dynamic in East Asia
China and the World in the Next Decade:
Perspectives and International Politics


  the former requires the government to represent the interests of the whole of society, while the latter requires the government to represent partial interests and serves as a platform for the competition ofinterests.  Selecting capable and upright officials is important to all governments.  There are many ways of selecting political leaders. Majority voting popular in the West and merit-based selection adopted by China are the two most common methods in contemporary times. The former is widely believed to be more advanced than the latter, but actually it is not. They both simply came into being under particular social conditions. The biggest problem of  merit-based selection is that its evaluation standard is easy to manipulate. But majority voting has three bigger problems: first, why should those who voted "no" obey the referendum winner? Second, why should the minority obey the majority who might not represent the most correct or wise opin-ions? Third, designating two can. didates is logically irrational, which means the absolute minoriry is forced to lose. The election system matures under the yoke of two harsh conditions: the people widely recognize this game rule; and people form the habit of obeying established rules. The two conditions are both particular yet not inescapable historical and cultural traditions.  In societies divided into classes and interest groups, parties representing their own interest groups compete for power as a matter of course. But in a society like China's that is not manipulated by classes or interest groups, general election through competition may not be considered rational. Since anaent times, the cohesion of Chinese society was ensured by the "advanced" governing group holding people-oriented Confucian beliefs.   ……


  The essays contained in this book are the result ofa great deal ofcontemporary research, commentary, and intelligent speculation as to how China's rise can serve its people, be a catalyst for domestic and international growth, and generate a prosperous and stable way oflife.  ——Robert Lawrence Kuhn    Though China's political reforms are still inadequate, they embody some political wisdom by at least reducing the tremendous social risks that might be entailed by a drastic, sweeping political reform, which has been the root of the collapse of some countries' political and economic systems.  ——Zhang Weiwei    It is necessary to look to the future of the world and the opportunities available to China to grasp world trends and develop its own policy formulation and strategic adjustments.  ——Jin Canrong    The 12th Five-Year Program period is a historic period on China's road of development. Its basic task is to lay a solid foundation for building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects by 2020.  All the Chinese people are really fortunate to live in such a brilliant era.  ——Hu An'gang


《挑战与展望(著名学者聚焦中国热点话题)》汇集了大量当代研究、评论及对当代中国话题的深刻洞见,涉及的领域包括中国的崛起如何为其国民服务,如何成为国内与国际经济增长的催化剂以及如何促成繁荣稳定的生活。本书向我们展示的是:我们需要知道的在未来几年内对中国进行认识的几个必需步骤。    世界渴望了解中国、理解中国,中国学专家和中国学者有责任确保信息的准确性,即使各自的理解有所不同。希望这本书的出版能够传递信息、表达观点、促进交流。本书由张维为等著。



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