
出版时间:2011-9  出版社:外文出版社  作者:钟欣 编  页数:229  译者:外文出版社英文编译部  


China is a primer to help international readers acqu i re
a better u nderstand i ng of China.While maintaining certain basic
historical facts and general lnformation,it offers the latest facts
and figures on every facet of China,including its international
contacts,cultural exchanges,economic growth,envi ronmental
protection, developments in science and technology,social
progress,and improvements of peopleS livelihood.


Land and Resources  Land Area  Mountain Ranges  Plateaus  Plains  Basins  Rivers  Lakes  Climate  Land  Mineral Resources  Plants and AnimalsHistory  Ancient Civilization  Unification and Dissemination of Civilization  Post-17th-century Changes  The Path of HistoryAdministrative Divisions and Cities  Administrative Divisions  Hong Kong Special Administrative Region  Macao Special Administrative Region  Taiwan  Urbanization ProcessPopulation and Ethnicity  Population  Population Increment  Addressing Population Aging  Ethnic Groups  Spoken and Written Languages  Traditional FestivalsPolitical System and State Structure  The Constitution  Political System  National People's Congress  Presidency  State Council  Central Military Commission  Local People's Congresses and Local People's Governments  People's Courts  People's Procuratorates  Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference  Political Parties and Other Organizations  People's ArmyForeign Relations  Foreign Policy  Relations with Neighboring Countries  Cooperation with Developing Countries  Cooperation with Major Countries  Actively Participating in Multilateral AffairsEconomy  Economic Development  Economic System  Economic Structure  From Opening Up Coastal Areas to All-around Opening Up  Coordinated Development of All Regions and Comprehensive Reform  Agriculture  Industry  Service IndustriesEnvironmental Protection  Laws and Systems for Environmental Protection  New Changes in Environmental Protection  Addressing Climate Change  Air Pollution Control  Water Pollution Control  Protection of Forest Resources  Nature Reserves  Protecting Endangered Animals and Plants  ENGOs  International CooperationEducation and Science  Education System  Education Planning  International Exchanges  Science and Technology  Innovations in Science and Technology  International Cooperation  Social SciencesLife and Culture  Social Life  Sports and Physical Fitness  Culture and Arts  Mass MediaAppendix I  Completion of the 11th Five-year Plan 2006-2010Appendix II  Some Commonly Used Websites


中国是一个古老的国家,它拥有长城、秦兵马俑、故宫、苏州园林等世界遗产,大教育家孔子、《孙子兵法》的作者孙武等古代名人也为世人熟知。    《中国》作为读者了解中国的入门读物,以介绍中国的基本情况为主,向读者展示中国在政治、经济、文化等各领域的现状与发展变化。从中,我们可以看到中国的国际往来、经济增长、环境保护、科技与教育、文化交流和社会生活等各个方面的最新动态,以帮助读者全面深入地认知中国。    本书为其英文版,由钟欣编著。



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