
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:外文出版社  作者:丁易  页数:312  译者:《中国现代文学史略》英译组  




CHAPTER ONETHE MAY 4 MOVEMENT AND THE RISE AND GROWTHOF THE MODERN LITERARY REVOLUTION IN CHINA.THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF LU HSUNSection 1. The May 4 Movement and the Spread ofComrnunist Ideas as the Causes for the Modern LiteraryRevolution in ChinaSeetion 2. The Rise of the Literary Revolution and ItsTheoreticai FoundationSection 3; The Devei0pment of the Theories of theLiterary RevolutionSection 4. The Struggle of the Literary RevolutionaryCamp Headed by Lu Hsun Against Feudal and Right-Wing Bourgeois LiteratureCHAPTER TWOTHE LEFT-WING LITERARY MOVEMENT-ACTIVITIESOF THE CHINA LEAGUE' OF LEFT, WING WRITERS LEDBY LU HSUN AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF ANDSTRUGGLES AROUND THE THEORIES ON REVOLU-TIONARY LITERATURESection 1. The First Revolutionary Civil War and theFormation of a New Front in the Literary MovementSection 2. The Establishment of the China League ofLeft-Wing Writers and Its Struggle Against Reactionary PoliticsSection 3. The Contributions of Lu Hsun and Chu ChiupaiCHAPTER SIXLU HSUN, STANDARD-BEARER OF THE CHINESE PEO-PLE'S NEW CULTURE AND COMMUNIST THINKER (Continued)Section 1. Lu Hsun's Essays--Socialist in Content and National in FormSection 2. Lu Hsun's Earlier EssaysSection 3. Essays of the Later PeriodCHAPTER SEVENKUO MO-JO AND OTHER WRITERS BEFORE AND AFTERTHE MAY 4 MOVEMENTSection 1. Kuo Mo-jo's Literary WorksSection 2. Novelists of the Late May 4 PeriodSection 3. Realism in Poetry and Drama Before andAfter the May 4 MovementCHAPTER EIGHTREVOLUTIONARY WRITERS, PROGRESSIVE WRITERS,AND LITERARY SCHOOLS OF THE DECLINING BOUR-GEOISIESection 1. Revolutionary WritersSection 2. Progressive WritersSection 3. Literary Schools of the Declining BourgeoisieCHAPTER NINEMAO TUN AND THE REVOLUTIONARY WRITERS OF THEPERIOD OF THE LEAGUE OF LEFT-WING WRITERSSection 1. Mao Tun and His Literary WorksSection 2. Various Sides of Social Life Reflected in the NovelSection 3. Revolutionary Poetry and Drama Movements During the Period of the League of Left-Wing WritersSection 4. The Rise of Reportage and Attempts at Producing Popular LiteratureSection 4. The Art and Literary Movement in the Soviet AreasSection 5. The Struggles of the Camp of RevolutionaryLiterature Led by Lu Hsun Against the Reactionary Literary TrendsCHAPTER THREETHE LEFT-WING LITERARY MOVEMENT (Cohtinued)--THE ANTI-JAPANESE NATIONAL UNITED FRONT OFWRITERS AND ARTISTS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OFAND STRUGGLES AROUND THE THEORIES, ON RESISTANCE LITERATURESection 1. The Formation of the Anti-Japanese UaitedFront of Writers and ArtistsSection 2. The Outbreak of the War of Resistance andLiterature in the Service of the Resistance MovementSection 3. Discussions on the Question of ResistanceLiterature in the Kuomintang-Contr011ed AreasCHAPTER FOURCHINESE LITERATURE IN THE SERVICE OF THE WORK-ERS, PEASANTS AND SOLDIERS - THE PUBLICATIONOF MAO TSE-TUNG'S TALKS AT THE YENAN FORUMON ART AND LITERATURESection 1. The :Publication of the Talks at the YenanForum on Art and LiteratureSection 2. Talks at the Yenan, Forum on Art and Litera-ture - Its Contents and Historic SignificanceCHAPTER FIVELU HSUN, STANDARD-BEARER OF THE CHINESE PEOPLE'S NEW CULTURE AND COMMUNIST THINKERSection 1. His Life and Ideological DevelopmentSection 2. Lu Hsun's Works of Fiction- from Thorough, Critical Realism to Socialist RealismCHAPTER TENLITERARY WORKS ON THE WAR OF RESISTANCESection 1. Reportage, "Street Poetry," "Street Plays" andPopular Literary WorksSection 2. Literary Works on the Early Period of theWar of ResistanceSection 3. Literary Works Exposing the Kuomintang inthe Later Period of the War and After V-J DaySection 4. Literary Activities in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and the Anti-Japanese Basesin the Enemy's RearCHAPTER ELEVENLITERATURE IN THE LIBERATED AREAS ON THE PATH OF SOCIALIST REALISMSection 1. Works Mirroring Mass Struggles and Productive ActivitiesSection 2, The Literary Activities Among the Workers,peasants and Soldiers; the Reform of the Folk ArtsCHAPTER TWELVETHE VICTORY OF MAO TSE-TUNG'S PRINCIPLES ON ART AND LITERATURESection I. The Victory of the Chinese People's Revolu-tion and the Convocation of the All-China CongressOf Wrilers and ArtistsSection 2. The Realization of Mao Tse-tung's Principleson Art and LiteratUreINDEX




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