
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:科克帕特里克  页数:148  译者:马晓燕  


  旨在帮助你掌握英语口语实用技能,在日常生活中进行顺畅的交流。生活情境一网打尽:《口语,你最好!(下)》包含30篇短文,囊括日常生活中的常见情形,诸如度假出行、解决问题、争论、安慰,等等,生动活泼、高效实用。  常用表达一目了然:短文中出现的常用表达法均用粗体彩色表现出来,直观清晰、易于掌握。  例句丰富、释义详尽:短文后为文中出现的常用表达法提供了释义和例句,解释各种表达法适用的语境,指引你轻松应用。  语境细分、用法多样:为你提供类似语境下使用的相似表达,以及在正式或非正式场合的不同用法。


  Betty Kirkpatrick,毕业于爱丁堡大学,资深编辑、出版人,编写了大量英语教材和参考读物。曾担任《钱伯斯20世纪词典》及《罗热同义词词典》的编辑,并曾参与编纂《牛津同义词词库词典》 (平装版)。她编纂的《陈词滥调辞典》由Bloomsbury出版社出版,现也发行了美国版和日文版。


1 The day out that never happened无法实现的周末出游2 Money worries对钱的担忧3 An unexpected hoHday出乎意料的假期4 Just a rumour谣言而已5 Why no noise?为什么没声音?6 Will it rmn?会下雨吗?7 Time for a change该改变了8 To tell or not to tell?说还是不说呢?9 How to avoid decoratin9如何躲过装饰房间10 Holiday arguments关于假日的争吵11 A summer holiday abroad国外度暑假12 A break from studyin9学习间隙休息13 Consolation for failin9安慰没通过考试的人14 Getting the sack被炒鱿鱼15 Mending the mower维修割草机16 Looking for a tennis partner寻找网球伴儿17 Tackling a heating problem解决供暖问题18 Planning a birthday surprise筹划生日惊喜19 An important football result重要的足球赛结果20 Buying a birthday gift购买生日礼物21 Disagreement over an invitation对邀请的争论22 Fixing a dental appoinment预约牙医23 Driving to the country开车去郊外24 Car problems车出状况了25 Deciding on a vacation job决定一份假期工作26 Discovering a cook by accident意外地发现了一个厨师27 Trouble with Jack杰克这个大麻烦28 Where to go?要去哪里?29 Taking care of a friend照顾朋友30 Exam worries对考试的担忧


  Harry and his two sisters,Carol and Jane,were discussing what to buy for their fathers birthday.  I know for a fact that he hasnt read the new James Ryan,said Jane.I heard him saying this morning that he had tried to get it out of the library but that they didnt have it.He said that he would wait for it to come out in paperback,but we could get him the hardback as a present,dont you th nk?All three agreed that this was a good idea and Jane offered to go and buy it.  Just as she was leaving,she heard her brother call.Hang on,Jane!lII just get my jacket and come with you.I need to get some books for college. On the way to the bookshop Jane saidWhat if we meet Dad in the shop?He goes there a lot,you know,and he might guess that were there to get his present.Or will he be watching the cricket malch?  “我敢肯定的是他没看过詹姆斯·赖安的新书,”简说,“我今天早上听他说他想借一本看,不过图书馆里没有。他说他要等到平装书上市后再买,不过我们可以给他买一本精装本当做礼物,你不觉得这个主意很好吗?”三个人都觉得这是一个好主意,简提出要去买下那本书。她刚要离开,突然听见他弟弟在喊,“等一下!简,我去拿夹克跟你一起去。我要给学院买一些书。”在去往书店的路上,简说:“如果我们在书店碰到爸爸怎么办呢?你知道的,他经常光顾那里的,他或许会猜到我们要去那里给他买礼物。或许他现在正在看板球比赛?”





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