
出版时间:2010-3  出版社:外文出版社  作者:《159年的沉淀:世博会中国档案》编委会 编  页数:182  


The World Expo 2010 Shanghai China is a grand in-ternational event hosted by the Central Government ofPeople's Republic of China and undertaken by the Shang-hai Municipality. It is the first registered World Exposi-tion approved by the International Exhibitions Bureau(BIE) to be held in a developing country. The 2010 WorldExpo is a great cooperation and communication arenafor all nations as well as a significant opportunity forChina as a developing country to promote close culturaldialogue with the rest of the world and to learn fromother nations.China has invited 200 countries and international or-ganizations to participate, as it promised in its bid, aim-ing to host the largest number of global participants inWorld Expo history. Under the auspices of the StateCouncil of the PRC and the Shanghai 2010 World ExpoNational Organizing Committee, promotional work forthe Expo is being handled by a "4+1" group composed ofthe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC, Ministry of Com-merce of the PRC, Shanghai Municipal People's Govern-ment and China Council for the Promotion of InternationalTrade (CCPIT), plus China's Commissioner General of theChinese Government for the World Expo 2010 ShanghaiChina.


Since the Great Exhibition held in Britain in 1851, 159 years have gone by, and in 2010 Shanghai, China, will get its turn for the first time to host a WorLd Expo. For over 100 years the Chinese people have participated in and supported the world expos in various forms.What effects did these events have on China and its social progress? What did China contribute to the events, and what interesting stories have been told about them? What will the 2010 Shanghai WorLd Expo show to the world?     This book records China's participation in WorLd Expos, and its great vision for the upcoming Shanghai Wortd Expo. It contains many treasured historical photos and depictions of stereographs, emblems and medals, ittustrating China's links with 20 WorLd Expos.


插图:Guo Songtao, a noted statesman of modern China,was the first diplomat sent to a Western country by theQjng government. Sent in 1876 as ambassador to Britain,Guo visited many factories, schools and governmentorgans during his term of office. He noted the stress puton education in Britain as the foundation of thatcountry's advanced industry. In his A Record of Visitsto Western Countries Guo introduced advanced West-ern management and political methods to the O.jnggovernment. He recommended that China follow the leadof Western countries in its administration of domesticand political affairs.In 1878, as ambassador to France, Guo Songtao vis-ited the Paris World Fair. China had a pavilion therealso. Guo met and exchanged ideas with the politicalleaders of many countries at the Fair, and even pro-posed the opening of a World Fair museum in Shanghai.He wrote his reflections upon his World Fair visit in hisjournal.   Li Shuchang, a member of Guo Songtao's entourage,wrote an article titled "Summary of the Paris World Fair"which recorded that the China Pavilion was composedof "three corniced main rooms facing the east andflanked by two outer gates," with a small pavilion in thecenter of the courtyard. The commodities on displaywere "porcelain, tea, ancient copperware, carvings andivory folding fans." Chinese goods were also found inother countries' exhibition pavilions, mostly "porcelainand wooden wares with the Guangdong EmbroideredScreen as the most elaborate."Li Shuchang became a pioneer for China in France bytaking a trip in a hydrogen balloon.


《159年的沉淀:世博会中国档案(英文)》:With its theme of "Better City, BetterLife," the World Expo 2010 Shanghai,hosted by the Chinese government, isprojected to attract 70 million visitorsfrom all over the world. It is expected tobe the largest in the history of interna-tional expositions.During the six months of the ShanghaiWorld Expo more than 200 countries,regions and international organizationswill highlight their ways of life andpresent their products at the Expo sitewhich covers a total area of 3.28square kilometers.Focusing on the theme, the host willinitially open an Urban Best PracticesArea to display outstanding ideas forurban development selected from allover the world. Visitors will be able toglimpse future urban lifestyles anddevelopments.In addition, online services will bringthe Expo to those who cannot takeonsite tours. Interactive communicationwith the Expo's organizers and partici-pants will be available, thereby increas-ing its international influence andspreading its concept of "Better City,Better Life."In 1851 Chinese businessman Xu Rong-cun won gold and silver medals for hisHuzhou Silk at the first World Expo, theGreat Exhibition, in London.In 1876 China officially participated in theWorld Fair in Philadelphia, USA, for thefirst time. Businessman Li Gui, a memberof the Chinese delegation, wrote about hisexperiences there in The New Account ofWorld Travel.In 1915 Chinese products such as MoutaiLiquor, Chang Yu Wine and Yixing ClayTeapots attracted much attention at thePanama World Expo, USA.Since 1982, China has participated in 12world expos.In 1993 China joined the Convention onInternational Expositions, becoming the46th member of the Bureau of Interna-tional Expositions.In 1999 the World Horticultural Expositionwas hosted in Kunming, Yunnan Province,China.In 2001, China formally bid to host the2010 World Expo in Shanghai, expressingthe wish of the country's 1.3 billion peoplefor such a grand event.In 2002 the Bureau of International Expo-sitions authorized Shanghai, China, tohost the 2010 World Expo.



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