
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:外文出版社  作者:何兆兴 编  页数:131  译者:徐林  


Zhouzhuang embraces the beauties of all the water towns in China - old bridges, traditional buildings and small streets on the banks of waterways. Its Shuangqiao Bridges (Twin Bridges) became famous worldwide because of the painting Memory of Hometown by weU-known painter Chen Yifei (1946-2005)and its display in a New York gallery in 1984.Another bridge in the town, Fu'an Bridge (Wealth and Peace Bridge), is the only existing structure in southeastern China that perfectly combines a single-arch bridge with abddge tower.


Ancient Water TownTwin BridgesFu'an Bridge with TowersShen MansionShen Wansan and the EmperorZhang MansionYe Mansion and Milou TowerTemplesHousehold InnsSouth LakeFolk CustomsHandicrafts and Delicious FoodScenic SpotsAccommodationLocal DelicaciesPlow to Get ThereTicket Price


插图:Festival,he returned home to see that gambling was widespread,and some had gambled away their family fortune.Still some had become thieves or opium takers.Ye therefore organized a group of youths to set up a Society of Civi-lized Festival to tell people the evilnessof gamble,superstition and opium.Their efforts helped change the local social atmosphere.  In early years,Ye Chucang joined theSouth Society and Chinese United League,following Dr.Sun Yatsen in the revolution.After the Revolution of 19l1,he ioined the army to become a chief of staff.After Nanjing was recovered,he left the army and startedto run a newspaper in Shanghai to-gether with Yu Youren and Shao Lizi tO propagate revolution.Later he becamethe head of the department of public-itv 0f Kuomintang and the vice presi-dent of the Legislative Yuan.  Ye Mansion has four sections.A hori-zontal board inscribed with the char-acters“Ye Chucang 0ld Residence”is hung above the beam in the gate hall.Passing through the courtyard paved with granite stone slabs,you come to the tea hall.Displayed in the tea hall are Ye’S photos,calligraphic works and manuscripts.Behind the tea hall iS the main hall,Zuyintang(Hall of Ancestral Virtue),with carved beams,painted pillars,and splendid decorations.In the chamber tower in the fourth section.



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