
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:外文出版社  作者:何兆兴 编  页数:131  译者:王琴  


The Taihu Lake Basin adjacent to Shanghai has a diversified water system and clamp climate and is rich in produce. The original inhabitants planted rice and bred silkworms, and took advantage of the convenient water trans-portation there to develop trade relations both domestically and overseas.This part of the country is famous for its silk and herbal medicines. Since ancient times, it has witnessed rapid economic growth, and has earned thenicknames "Heaven on Earth" and "Land Flowing with Rice and Fish."Six ancient waterside towns in this area, namely, Zhouzhuang, Luzhi andTongli in Jiangsu Province, and Xitang, Wuzhen and Nanxun in ZhejiangProvince, are the most attractive representatives of age-old towns in south-east China.Waterways have shaped the ancient towns of southeast China, their streetsfollowing the contours of the waters and their houses built on riverbanks.Small bridges, smoothly flowing rivers and tranquil residential houses formthe typical natural landscape of these towns. Winding streets and lanes,ancient bridges and beautiful gardens contribute to a tranquil and simple atmosphere. These towns' rich historical and cultural legacies are embodied in the venerable shapes of bridges, streets, lanes, residential houses, ances-tral halls, temples and theaters, all with a distinctive local flavor. The philosophy of life in a waterside town emphasizes the harmonious unity of Nature and Man. The buildings appear simple, though inside they are usually splendidly decorated, and the luxury is not shown on the exterior. The main building material in these towns is wood, displaying fine carvings and other decorations. The scenery changes with the four seasons, yet the tranquility and harmony, the smartness and elegance remain unchanged. A stay in oneof these age-old towns brings tourists a strong sense of history, and enchants them with graceful landscapes and a relaxing lifestyle.


No.1 River Town in ChinaRivers and BridgesWaterway SceneryLuzhi BoatwomenCenturies-old Baosheng TempleYe Shengtao Memorial HallWansheng Rice ShopSerene Lu GuimengEducator Shen Baihan and the ShenFamily CompoundWang Tao, Forunner of Reform MovementJosephine Siao, International Movie Star from anAncient ResidenceLuzhi Food and Local SpecialtiesScenic SpotsAccommodationLocal DelicaciesHow to Get to LuzhiTicket Prices


插图:0n the Luzhi rivers,you can hearcheers and laughter from morning toevening.Attractive and hardworkingboatwomen speak the Suzhou dialect and sing folk ballads while rowing boatsto and fro.The water ripples as theboats move forward,rather resemblingthe boatwomen'S dimples.The songs oflocal flavor and colorfullocal folk COS-tumes leave a deep impression onvisjtors.  Walking in the streets of the ancient town,you willoften see small groups of village women who wear theirhair in buns or coiled and covered with colored clothkerchiefs,front-buttoned Chinese garments of variouscolors,black trousers,wraps and embroidered shoes.Many people think that they are ethnic minorities.Actually,they are local Han people.  The women'S clothing of Luzhi can be traced back toover 2,5 00 years ago.At that time,Luzhi was a smallvillage surrounded by 1akes and rivers,which were COV-ered with blossoming 10tus flowers and green lotus leaves.When village women went to lotus ponds to pick lotusroots,they covered the head with 10tus 1eaves to protectthem from the sun and rain.Maids in the provisional.


《甪直(英文)(图文版)》:Luzhi iS famous for its waterways.There aresix rivers in the town.three flowing frOm eastto west and three frOm north to south.Alongthe rivers are old streets and residentialhouses.where the local people are living apeaceful life.The Songze culture and Liang-zhu culture.with a history of over 5,000years,have left behind a great historical andculturaI hentage.A gaLaxy of literati could befound in each penod.Moreover the traditionof running schools and improving educationhas been passed down.The centuries-oldBaosheng Temple houses nine arhat sculpturesunder state protection.Behind a screen wallalong a river is the Shen family compound,with many houses and spacious courtyards.This ancient waterside town has nurt.ured apioneer of the modern reform movement inChina.Wang Tao,as well as the internationalmovie star Josephine Siao Along the narrow wrivers.boat women dressed{n Iocal costumessing melodious songs,making for beautiful scenes in Luzhi.




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