
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:外文出版社  作者:何兆兴 编  页数:131  


Wuzhen is famous for its residences dating from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), and the town keeps its ancient ambience, as if time has stood still. Wuzhen is also famous for its traditional craft of "bed-making," exquisite examples of which can be seen in the Museum of Antique Beds. Other attractions include the elaborate painting of 24 filial sons of old times in the Zhu Family House, and depictions of traditional ceremonies, such as those for babies when they were one month old, weddings and the birthdays of the elderly all illustrative of the culture of southeast China.


The Tranquil Town of WuzhenRiverside SceneryStyles of Old BridgesFormer Residence of Mao DunFangluge Teahouse and "Three-Whites" WineXiuzhen Taoist Temple and Ancient StageOld and Famous ResidencesIndigo-blue Cotton PrintsThe Beauty of Xizha by the RiverScenery by the Water MarketGourmet SpecialtiesScenic SpotsAccommodationLocal DelicaciesHow to Get to Wuzhen


插图:By the river in Dongzha there are two corridors eachwith a full awning, one on South Street and the other onNorth Street, winding afar. There are many workshopsand snack bars on both sides of the river. Tourists alllove to sit by windows with views of the river. Age-oldhouses or the sight of women washing clothes by the rivermay remind you of lines from a poem by a Chinese poetcalled Bian Zhilin: Standing on a bridge you aresightseeing./People sitting in their houses are looking atyou./The bright moon adorns your window, and youenrich the dreams of others."You will see many historical sites along the rivers. Thereis a storied building named Wenchang (Culture andProsperity) Pavilion in front of Lizhi School. In betweenis a narrow lane called Guanqian Street. In the olden days,a scholar usually took a boat to Wenchang Pavilion, ac-companied by his pageboy. The boat would be berthedright beside the building when the scholar went upstairsto read or study. His pageboy sat on the bench in thecorridor waiting for him. At the end of the Qjng Dynasty,when the imperial examination system was abolished,Wenchang Pavilion became a place for the locals to spendtheir leisure time, and a place where all kinds of newswas gathered and shared.   Do not stop your stroll yet. Going along the river toXizha, you will glimpse from afar Bailiansi Pagoda, whichhas had a remarkable history. It is said that there is "oneTaoist temple, two pagodas, nine Buddhist temples and13 Buddhist nunneries" in Wuzhen. The Taoist templerefers to Xiuzhen Temple in Dongzha, and one of the twopagodas is this Bailiansi Pagoda.


《乌镇(英文)(图文版)》:The Taihu Lake Basin adjacent to Shanghai has a diversified water systemand damp climate and is rich in produce. The original inhabitants plantedrice and bred silkworms, and took advantage of the convenient water trans-portation there to develop trade relations both domestically and overseas.This part of the country is famous for its silk and herbal medicines. Sinceancient times, it has witnessed rapid economic growth, and has earned thenicknames "Heaven on Earth" and "Land Flowing with Rice and Fish."Six ancient waterside towns in this area, namely, Zhouzhuang, Luzhi andTongli in Jiangsu Province, and Xitang, Wuzhen and Nanxun in ZhejiangProvince, are the most attractive representatives of age-old towns in south-east China.Waterways have shaped the ancient towns of southeast China, their streetsfollowing the contours of the waters and their houses built on riverbanks.Small bridges, smoothly flowing rivers and tranquil residential houses formthe typical natural Landscape of these towns. Winding streets and lanes,ancient bridges and beautiful gardens contribute to a tranquil and simpleatmosphere. These towns' rich historical and cultural legacies are embodiedin the venerable shapes of bridges, streets, lanes, residential houses, ances-tral halls, temples and theaters, all with a distinctive local flavor Thephilosophy of life in a waterside town emphasizes the harmonious unity ofNature and Man. The buildings appear simple, though inside they are usuallysplendidly decorated, and the luxury is not shown on the exterior. The mainbuilding mateda! in these towns is wood, displaying fine carvings and otherdecorations. The scenery changes with the four seasons, yet the tranquilityand harmony, the smartness and elegance remain unchanged. A stay in oneof these age-old towns brings tourists a strong sense of history, and enchantsthem with graceful landscapes and a relaxing lifestyle.




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