
出版时间:2010-3  出版社:外文出版社  作者:林茂荪 译  页数:359  译者:林戊荪  


The Analects, known as a classic on Confucius' teachings and experiences, was compiled by his disciples and second-generation disciples during the Spring and Autumn Period (722-480BC) in Chinese history. It is comprised of 20 separate "books", which are broken down into 492 passages. Though many of the passages are short, they often carry profound meaning.For more than two thousand years, The Analects and Confucian thought have had an immeasurable impact on the Chinese people and Chinese culture. Confucian tradition constitutes the core and bedrock of the Chinese civilization, consistently making an impact on the development of China throughout history. Though Chinese students today no longer recite the Four Books and Five Classics, Confucian thought is still subtly influencing the ethos of the Chinese people. Confucianism is still very much alive with its positive values concerning society and ethics.




PrefaceTranslator’s PrefaceIntroduction学而第一/Book 1为政第二/Book 2八佾第三/Book 3里仁第四/Book 4公冶长第五/Book 5雍也第六/Book 6述而第七/Book 7泰伯第八/Book 8子罕第九/Book 9乡党第十/Book 10先进第十一/Book 11颜渊第十二/Book 12子路第十三/Book 13宪问第十四/Book 14卫灵公第十五/Book 15季氏第十六/Book 16阳货第十七/Book 17微子第十A/Book 18子张第十九/Book 19尧日第二十/Book 20IndexAbout the translator


插图:1, Junzi (君子) literally means "son of the ruler', and therefore refers to a member of the aristocracy. In The Analects, the term was used by Confucius to describe his ideal person, the type who through self-improvement, becomes superior in ethics, gains peace of mind and there- fore is fit to govern. To Confucius, people of low social ranks but willing to study and improve themselves can become junzi, whereas those scholars who are morally unfit cannot, thus giving the term strong ethical implications. Junzi has been translated as gentleman, but he is not the gentleman as used in today's English. In the present translation, I am using a "man of honor' to emphasize the difference and denote its ethical character.2, Xiaoren (小人) literally means the common people, but Confucius used it mostly to refer to those who had petty interest in mind. In this translation, I am using "petty minded people", and only occasionally "petty people" Here again, "petty-mindedness" has an ethical implication.3, Shi (士) refers to the lowest echelon of the aristocracy. With their knowledge, they could become officials when they enjoyed the appreciation of the rulers. But then, the majority would retain their original status. Here I am following the traditional English rendition "scholar' to simplify matters.


As the translator of this book not only has an excellent command of the English language but is well accomplished in the study of Chinese and Western comparative culture, this translation of The Analects is easy to read and understand without missing the book's essence. The introduction and synopses for the different chapters will help the reader's understanding of Confucius and provide him or her with a deeper impression of Chinese traditional and current culture.  ——Zhao Qizheng Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the CPPCC,President of Journalism School of Renmin UniversityMr. Lin Wusun is one of the few scholars in China who knows both Chinese and Western cultures well and is versed in the English language. To render a Chinese classic into a foreign language is a for midable task and to make the translation easily understood by a reader of a different culture is even more difficult. Wusun has done it. His translation of Confucius Analects will help readers understand better Confucius philosophy and serve as a bridge between the Chinese and other cultures.  ——Wu Jianmin Professor and Former President of China Foreign Affairs UniversityLin Wusun brings outstanding knowledge of English and of Western thought to his translation of TheAnalects, producing a result that is sensitive to Western readers' thinking as he conveys Confucius' teachings and wisdom. This is, therefore, a very welcome addition to the body of works available in English on Confucius' philosophy and teachings.  ——Dr. Ken Lieberthal Director of the John L Thornton China Center and senior fellow in Foreign Policy and Global Economy and Development at Brookings InstituteThis is the most authoritative translation to come from China. Together with the Introduction, the translator, who is a leading scholar on comparative studies of Chinese and Western philosophies, guides the reader through the essence of Chinese thought against the background of Western philosophy.  ——Huang Youyi Vice President of Federation of International Translators






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用户评论 (总计10条)


  •   这本书不错,翻译论语质量可以,第三次买来送人了
  •   论语有多种不同的解释,翻译成英语更是百花齐放,从译者的角度去了解论语也是一个不错的选择。
  •   书本很好,和描述的一样,英文版的论语。
  •   众多译本中的经典,语言简单明了,翻译到位
  •   可以拜读
  •   书的质量还可以,排版也不错,只是有点小贵
  •   纸张略差,价格偏高。
  •   基本上还说得过去
  •   翻译简洁移动,很有读古文的味儿!
  •   接触过译者林戊荪先生,英文翻译还是不错。让我极为不满的是该书的包装和用纸,极为粗糙,我买过几本外文社的书,价格很高,包装和用纸却很差,简直有辱斯文;另外。从外文局主编的《中国翻译》来看,商业化气息浓厚。这个单位已经一片铜臭,官场搞文化,还是搞对外文化宣传,恐怕是搞不好的。

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