出版时间:2010-1 出版社:外文 作者:圣艾修伯里 页数:192 译者:水清
小王子生活在遥远的星球上。 那地方太小,又没有朋友, 他感到孤独和惆怅。 于是小王子离开自己的星球, 跋涉到其他的星球上, 他想结交朋友,还想弄懂好多的道理…… 在空旷的沙漠里, “我”与小王子相遇了。 我们从相伴到相知, 共同体昧着孩童世界中的质朴与纯真 及生命中最宝贵却最易被忽咯和忘记的真情……
生于法国的里昂。他一生喜欢冒险,热爱飞行,并一边飞行, 一边思索羞人生。1944年在一次执行飞行任务中,他驾驶的飞机消失在地中海的上空,从此一去不返,他的命运也成为世界文学史上的迷。在圣艾修伯里所有的作品中,最脍炙人口的就是出版于1943年的《小王子》,文字优美,寓意独特,被誉为20世纪除《圣经》外最广为阅读的书籍。
插图:hammer." Again the little prince disturbed my thoughts:"And you actually believe that the flowers -""Oh, no! I don't believe anything. I answered you with the first thing that came into my head. Don't you see- I am very busy with matters of consequence!"Hc stared at me, thunderstruck."Matters of consequence !"He looked at me there, with my hammer in my hand, my fingers black with engine-grease, bcnding down over an object which seemed to him extremely ugly..."You talk just like the grown-ups!"That made me a little ashamed. But he went on, relentlessly:"You miK everything up together... You confuse everything..."He was really very angry. He tossed his golden curls in the breeze."I know a planet where there is a certain red-faced gentleman. He has never smelled a flower. He has never looked at a star. He has never loved any onc. He has never done anything in his life but add up figures. And all day hc says over and over, just like you: 'I am bray with matters of consequence! ' And that makes him swell up with pride. But he is not a man —— hc is a mushroom!""A what?""A mushroom!"The little prince was now white with rage."The flowers have been growing thorns for millions of years. For millions of years the sheep have been eating them just the same. And is it not a matter of consequence to try to understand why the flowers go to.