
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:Aileen Giebitz,Sandor Giebitz,  页数:326  


  本书视角广泛、例证丰富、信息量大、可读性强。选编了大学生从业率最高的30个行业为主题,选取行业内最常用、最典型的情景对话为主要内容。本书采用中英文对照形式,补充以单词短语及活用句子,行业简介和行业规范总结部分更是锦上添花。在内容设置上最大程度地让读者领会文中精髓,不仅适用于即将毕业的大学生,还适用于志在跳槽、高升的英语使用者。  本书配有时下最科学、实用的多媒体光盘,真正达到视、听、说同步练习。其中音频部分由欧美外教全程录制,发音地道,让您在阅读本书时收获惊喜。你可以边看、边听、边模仿,品味语句、增强语感,事半功倍突破热门行业英语口语。  由于编纂工作浩繁,疏漏在所难免,希望各界读者不吝指正,共同进步。


  视角独特、信息量大、例证丰富、可读性强。选编了英语学习者最常遇到的30个行业,以行业内最常见、最典型的情景为主要内容,采用中英文对照形式,补充以单词短语及活用句子,行业简介和行业规范部分更是锦上添花。内容设置上最大程度地让学习者领会沟通精髓、把握交流技巧。  有我相伴,助您畅游各行各业!


  朱传枝 刘晓蕖 夏洋 合著者:(美国)Aileen Giebitz (美国)Sandor Giebitz


Chapter 1 Public Transport/公共交通Dialog A Returning Tickects/退票Dialog B Registering and Reclaiming Luggage/托运、提取行李Dialog C Checking Tickets for Boarding/检票进站Dialog D Helping Passengers with Their Berths or Seats/帮助旅客调整铺位、Dialog E At the waiting Hall/候船大厅Dialog F Introduction/介绍Dialog G At the C1inic/在医务室Dialog H Gettinh Off/下船服务Chapter 2 Aviation/航空Dialog A Information Service/问询服务Dialog B Buying Tickets/购买机票Dialog C At the Waiting Hall/在候机大厅Dialog D Check-in Procedures/办理登机手续Dialog E Check-in Baggage/托运行李Dialog F Security Check/安全检查Dialog G Boarding Serving/登机服务Dialog H Serving Customers on the Plane/空中服务Chapter 3 Hotel/酒店Dialog A Checking in/入住Dialog B Showing the Guest to the Room/带客入房Dialog C Housekeeping/客房服务Dialog D Cleaning the Room/打扫房间Dialog E Room Service/房间服务Dialog F Before Departure/临行前服务Dialog G Special Services/特殊服务Chapter 4 Studying Abroad/留学Dialog A Selecting an Agency/选择中介Dialog B Selecting University/选择学校Dialog C The Documents Needed/留学所需资料Dialog D Inquiring about Charge/咨询收费Dialog E Part-time Job/兼职工作Dialog F Selecting a Major/选择专业Dialog G Applying for a Passport/申办护照Dialog H Preparation Before Going Abroad/出国前准备Chapter 5 Consulting/咨询Dialog A Career Development Consultation/行业发展咨询Dialog B Mangement Consultation/管理咨询Dialog C Policy Consultation/政策咨询Dialog D Technology Consultation/科技咨询Dialog E Constrution Consultation/工程咨询Dialog F Market Consultation/市场咨询Dialog G Financial Consultation/财务咨询Dialog H Housing C0nsultation/住房咨询Chapter 6 Tourism/旅游Dialog A Buying Tickets/购买门票Dialog B Compensation Fare/~b票Dialog C Introducing Facilities/介绍服务设施Dialog D Giving Directions/指路Dialog E Taking Cable Cars and Cable Ways/乘缆车索道Dialog F Watching Showings/观看演出Dialog G Talking about a Ci ty/谈论一座城市Dialog H In Front of the Coral Hal l/在珊瑚馆前Chapter 7 Catering/餐饮Dialog A Making a Reservation/预订座位Dialog B Ordering Food/点菜Dialog C Bar Service(Ⅰ)/酒吧服务(一)Dialog D Bar Service(Ⅱ)/酒吧服务(二)Dialog E At a Restaurant(Ⅰ)/饭店就餐(一)Dialog F At a Restaurant(Ⅱ)/饭店就餐(二)Dialog G Talking about Food(Ⅰ)/谈论饭菜(一)Dialog H Talking about Food(Ⅱ)/谈论饭菜(二)Chapter 8 Secretary/文秘Dialog A Making a Phone Call on Behalf of the Boss/代替老板打电话Dialog B Visiting a Client/拜访客户Dialog C Finding Files/查找文档Dialog D Arranging a Staff Meeting/安排员工会议Dialog E Booking a Room/预订房间Dialog F A SecretaryS Responsibility for a Meeting/秘书的会议职责Dialog G Handl ing the Complaint of a Customer/处理客户投诉Dialog H Preparing a Memo/准备备忘录Chapter 9 Marketing/营销Dialog A Selling at a shop/商店售货Dialog B Personal Selling/个人销售Dialog C Door-to-door Selling/上门推销Dialog D Selling at Exhibition/展厅销售Dialog E After-sales Service/售后服务Dialog F Talk about Advertising/谈论广告Dialog G Business Talks/商业谈判Dialog H Telephone Selling/电话销售Chapter 10 Logistics/物流Dialog A Packaging/包装Dialog B Inquiring about Transportation/询问运输Dialog C Railway Transportation/火车运输Dialog D Road Transportation/汽车运输Dialog E Inquiring about Warehouse/询问仓库Dialog F Introduction about Warehouse/仓库介绍Dialog G Charge for Warehouse/仓库收费Dialog H Unloading/卸货Chapter 11 Insurance/保险Dialog A Introduction to Types of Insurance/险种介绍Dialog B Travel Insurance/旅游保险Dialog C Building Insurance/楼宇保险Dialog D Home Insurance/家居保险Dialog E Accident Insurance/意外保险Dialog F Motor Insurance/汽车保险Dialog G Settlement of Claims/赔付处理Dialog H Obtaining Compensations/领取赔款Chapter 12 Human Resources/人力资源Dialog A Recruitment/招募新员工Dialog B Employment and promotion/雇佣与升迁Dialog C The Performance Evaluations/业绩评估Dialog D Human Resource Workshops/人力资源工作室Dialog E Salary and Overtime Work/薪金与加班Dialog F Welfare Policies/福利政策Dialog G The Way of Recruitment/雇佣方式Dialog H Ouitting the Job/辞职Chapter 13 E-business/电子商务Dialog A A Brief Introduction to E-business/电子商务简介Dialog B E-shopping/网上购物Dialog C Cyber-bank/网上银行Dialog D Cyber-auction/网上拍卖Dialog E Online Job-hunting/网上招聘Dialog F Advertising in E-business/电子商务广告Dialog G Online Market Research/网上市场调查Dialog H Safety in E-business/电子商务安全Chapter 14 Public Relations/公共关系Dialog A At the Airport/在机场Dialog B At the Dinner/在晚宴Dialog C Appointments and Visiting/约会拜访Dialog D Recreation/娱乐Dialog E At the Office/在办公室Dialog F Answering Telephone Calls/接电话Dialog G Signing a Contract/签订合同Dialog H Seeing off/送行Chapter 15 Exhibition/会展Dialog A Invitation/会展邀请Dialog B The 9esign of Exhibition Booths/展位设计Dialog C The Reservation of Booths/展位预订Dialog D Transportation of Exhibit/展品运输Dialog E Exhibit Introduction/产品介绍Dialog F Business Contact/业务接洽Dialog G Business Negotiation/商务谈判Dialog H Business Follow-up/业务跟进Chapter 16 Administrative Management/行政管理Dialog A Oualities of a Manager/管理者的素质Dialog B LevelS of Management/管理层次Dialog C Personnel Training/人员培训Dialog D Performance Management/绩效管理Dialog E Recruitment/员工招聘Dialog F Financial Affairs/财务Dialog G Sell ing and Marketing/销售和营销Dialog H Production Control/生产控制Chapter 17 Banking/银行Dialog A Reporting Loss/挂失服务Dialog B Closing Accounts/清户服务Dialog C Trading Securities/股票买卖Dialog D Trusts and Funds/基金服务Dialog E Applying for Credit Card/申请信用卡Dialog F Settl ing Overdraft/透支处理Dialog G House Mortage/住房按揭Dialog H Online Banking/网上银行Chapter 18 Electronic Products/电子产品Chapter 19 Education and Training/教育培训Chapter 20 Health Care/医疗Chapter 21 Entertainment/娱乐Chapter 22 Housekeeping/家政服务Chapter 23 Online Games/网络游戏Chapter 24 Advertising/广告Chapter 25 Environmental Protection/环境保护Chapter 26 Telecommunication/电信Chapter 27 Accounting/财务Chapter 28 Law/法律Chapter 29 International Trade/国际贸易Chapter 30 Commerce/商务


  Consulting is the business of providing advice to clients for a fee in order to help them solve a particular problem or range of problems within a certain area of business. Consultinge services are provided by consultants, a majority of whom have gained their expertise from previouse employment. Management consulting grew with the riseof management as a unique field of study. Management consulting has grown quickly, with growth rates of the industry exceeding 20% in the 1980s and 1990s. In 2007, total global revenuese for management consulting are expected to exceed the $300 billion mark. Management consulting is becoming more prevalente in non-business related fields as well as the need for professional and specialized advice grows, other industries such as government, quasi-government and not-for-profit agencies are turning to the same manageriale principles that have helped the private sector for years. The consulting+ market continues to explode, as consultants have become a necessity in todays constantly changing business landscape. Even individuals are seeking the help of consultants, such as choosing the right financial instrument for retirement savings.


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