
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:外文  作者:孙锋  页数:254  


内容:本书内容全面对应《无敌英语语法大全》,逐一训练语法知识要点。  题型:设置选词填空,选择填空及单句改错等不同题型,从不同的角度训练。  答案:每题一一对应配置答案,对较难的题目,还进行答案分析,有助于提高分析问题和解决问题的能力。  功能:内容全面,难度递进,贴近实战的英语语法练习书。


UNIT 1 名词UNIT 2 代词UNIT 3 数词UNIT 4 冠词UNIT 5 形容词UNIT 6 副词UNIT 7 介词UNIT 8 连词UNIT 9 动词UNIT 10 时态与语态UNIT 11 虚拟语气UNIT 12 非谓语动词UNIT 13 句子种类UNIT 14 主谓一致UNIT 15 简单句UNIT 16 并列句UNIT 17 复合句UNIT 18 直接引语与问接引语UNIT 19 倒装UNIT 20 强调UNIT 21 it的用法UNIT 22 专题练习


  49. How about the two of us______a walk down the garden?  A. to take B. take     C. taking    D. to be taking  50. The computer centre______last year, is very popular among the students in this school.  A. open  B. opening C. having opened D. opened  51. A: I must apologize for______ahead of time.  B: That s all right.  A. letting you not know    B. not letting you know  C. letting you know not    D. letting not you know  52. The missing boys were last seen______near the river.  A. playing   B. to be playing  C. play  D. to play  5.3. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,______that he had enjoyed his stay here.  A. having added I3. to add  C. adding    D. added  54. The first textbooks for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 10th century.  A. having written       B. to be written  C. being written       D. written  55. A:What do you think made Mary so unhappy?  B: her new bicycle.  A. As she lost           B. Lost  C. Losing          D. Because of losing  56. She looks forward every spring to______the flower-lined garden.  A. visit             B. paying a visit  C. walk in          D. walking in  57. I like______football very much, but I dont like______football today.  A. playing; playing        B. to play; playing  C. playing; to play     D. to playp; to play





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用户评论 (总计5条)


  •   不同于其他的,通过实际练习来掌握语法知识,很有帮助~
  •   实用 对学习有帮助 分类清楚~
  •   这本书适合高中生多点。
  •   这个书密密麻麻,排版差,我都没耐心看。
  •   因为我的英语基础知识本来就不是很好,想买一本比较浅显的练习,可是这本书里的题目基本上都是高考题,难度很大。对于英语基础知识不好的朋友我就不推荐了。

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