出版时间:2009-1 出版社:外文出版社 作者:肖东发 页数:89
One of the worlds four ancient civilizations, Chinese civili-zation has continued for thousands of years without inter-ruption. It is a culture characterized by long history, richcontent, unity in diversity, deep and far-reaching influence,and continuous development. To review 3,000 years of Chi-nese publishing is to see the reasons behind the changesthat took place in each period of publishing activity. There-fore, the publication and presentation to the world of thisillustrated summation of Chinas 3,000 years of publishing isof great significance.The contents of the book is divided into four periods, achronological approach that displays Chinas publishinghistory and culture against the whole panorama of Chinesecultural development. Papermaking technology, printingtechnology and the application of modern digital technol-ogy are the transition markers, thus: 1. The invention ofcharacters and the appearance of books - the era of writ-ings on bamboo and silk; 2. The invention of papermak-ing technology - the era of books handwritten on paper;3. The invention and development of printing technology -the printing era; 4. The development of digital technology,a profound influence on Chinese publishing - our currentdigital publishing era. Modern Chinese publishing is highlydiverse in character, a pattern that encompasses print pub-lishing, on-line publishing and mobile-phone publishing.
The Origin and Evolution of Publishing in ChinaChapter I The Era of Oracle Bones,Bamboo and Silk 21 st - 2nd Century BC Oracle Bone Script Bronze Inscriptions Books of Bamboo and Wooden Strips Stone Inscriptions Writings on SilkChapter II The Era of Books Handwritten on Paper 1st Century BC - 7th Century AD The Invention and Spread of Papermaking The Book Scroll System The Circulation of Handwritten BooksChapter III The Hand Printing Era (I):Printing Technology7th - 19th Century Woodblock Printing Moveable Type Printing Color Printing The Introduction of Printing to Foreign CountriesChapter IV The Hand Printing Era (11):Publishing Systems7th - 19th Century Guanke:Government Publishing Bookshops:Non-governmental Publishing Individual Printing:Private Publishing Academic Printing:Publishing of Academic Works Temple Printing:Religious Publishing Book Circulation in the Print AgeChapter V The Mechanized Printing Era 19th Century - 1940s Introduction and Application of Mechanization New Types of Publishing Enterprises New Publications Wider and Deeper Overseas Contact Impact of New Publishing on Chinese Society and CultureChapter Vl Application of Modern Digital Technology and New Forms of Publishing 1950s - early 21 st Century Qualitative Changes through Technology The Age of Digital Publishing Competition and Merging of Various Formats Impact of New Technologies The Advent of Mega-Publishing Fine Teaching and Research Infrastructure An International Approach
插图:With the flourishing of academic culture came anincreasing demand for books in society. Private bookcollections also expanded. For example, in the WarringStates Period (475-221 BC), the politician Su Qin andphilosopher Hui Shi both owned large private libraries.It was said that Hui Shi's books could fill five wagons;this inspired the Chinese idiom xuefu wuche, or readenough books to fill five wagons, to describe a learnedperson. After Confucianism was designated as the o~-cial philosophy in the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), theChinese showed a stronger desire to learn than ever.When books appeared book distribution began imme-diately. Books were widely distributed as people copiedbooks, borrowed them from others and learned fromteachers. Book copying became a profession. Booktrading also emerged.Publishing began in China in the 21 st century BC. In thesecond century BC, our ancestors invented papermak-ing based on previous experimentation over a long pe-riod. But it should be noted even after papermaking hadbeen invented, it took a long time for the technology tobecome widespread and, for centuries, paper and silkremained in use. Paper did not become a popular writ-ing medium in society until the fifth century AD, whenthe emperor ordered that paper should replace silk.