出版时间:2009-10 出版社:外文 作者:丹尼尔·笛福 页数:208
就这样我离开这座小岛,我翻看一下船上的记录,根据船上的日历,我就在1686年12月19日那天,离开了这个共居住了二十八年两个月零十九天的海岛。我这次逃难的日期,恰好与我从摩尔人手里逃出的那天同月同日。 我乘坐的这条船航行了许多天,终于在1687年6月11日抵达英国。我离开英国已三十五年了。
I told them the Story also of the sixteenSpaniards that were to be expected;for whom I lefta Letter,and made them promise to treat them incommon with themselves. I left them my Fire Arms,viz.Five Muskets,three Fowling Pieces,and three Swords.I had above aBarrel and half of Powder left;for after the first Yearor two,I used but little,and wasted none. I gave them a Description of the Way I. 了他们。我给那些西班牙人写了一封信,让他们彼此平等相待。 我的枪械都留给了他们,其中有五支短枪,三支鸟枪,三把刀。我还留下一桶半火药,这些我过去用得很节省,一点都没浪费。 我把喂养山羊的办法详细地告诉他们。另外还把挤羊奶、做奶油和奶酪的方法告诉了他们。 总之,我把我个人的求生经历详细地告诉了他们,而且我还对他们说,我一定要劝船长再给他们留下两桶火药manag’d the Goats,and Directions to milk and fattenthem,and to make both Butter and Cheese. In a Word.I gave them every Part of myown Story;and I told them,I would prevail with theCaptain to leave them two Barrels of Gun—Powdermore,and some Garden—Seeds,which I told them 1would have been very glad of. Having done all this,I left them the nextDay,and went an Board the Ship. We prepared immediately to sail,but did not weigh that Night:The next Morning early,two和一些稀疏的菜种,我告诉他们,我非常愿意这样做。 这些事办完以后,第二天我就上船了,把他们留在那里。 我们立即为航海做准备,但当晚并未出海。第二天一大早,留守在岛屿的那五个人中,有两个人泅水到船边,苦苦哀求我们看在上帝的份上准许他们上船,不然的话,岛上剩下的那三个人现在歧视他们,将来准会把他们害死。他们请求船长收留他们,哪怕立刻把他们吊死,他们也心甘情愿。 of the five Men came swimming to the Ship’S side,and making a most lamentable Complaint of the otherthree,begged to be taken into the Ship,for God’SSake,for they should be murthered,and begg’d theCaptain to take them on Board,tho’he hang’d themimmediately. And thus I left the Island,the Nineteenthof December,as I found by the Ship’S Account,in theYear 1686,after I had been upon it eight and twentyYears,two Months,and 19 Days;being deliver’d fromthis second Captivity,the same Day of the Month,that I first made my Escape in the Rarco—Longo,from 罐就这样我离开这座小岛,我翻看一下船上的记录,根据船上的日历,我就在1686年12月19日那天,离开了这个共居住了二十八年两个月零十九天的海岛。我这次逃难的日期,恰好与我从摩尔人手里逃出的那天同月同日。 我乘坐的这条船航行了许多天,终于在1687年6月11日抵达英国。我离开英国已三十五年了。