
出版时间:2009-10  出版社:外文出版社  作者:查尔斯·狄更斯  页数:272  


法国大革命时期,名医马奈特偶然目睹了封建贵族埃弗瑞蒙德兄弟草营人命的暴行,因为打抱不平,反被投入巴士底狱,监禁了十八年。出狱后,马奈特之女露茜却与仇家的儿子达奈堕入情网。于是,在法国革命的旋涡中,一幕幕家族的恩怨情仇隆重上演,善、恶、生、死在冲突中交融,在转瞬间变换……《双城记》结构严整,语言凝练,狄更斯对革命与人性的深度思考和令人叹为观止的写作才华,在其中得到了淋漓尽致的展现。     本书为《世界名著佳段阅读》丛书之一。


  The obscurity was so difficult to penetratethat Mr Lorry, picking his way over the well-wornTurkey carpet, supposed Miss Manette to be, for themoment, in some adjacent room, until, having gotpast the two tall candles, he saw to receive him by thetable between them and the young lady of not morethan seventeen, in a riding-cloak, and still holding herstraw travelling-hat by its ribbon in her hand. As his eyes rested on a short, slight, pretty figure, a quantityof golden hair, a pair of blue eyes that met his ownwith an inquiring look, and a forehead with a singularcapacity (remembering how young and smooth it was),of lifting and knitting itself into an expression that wasnot quite one of perplexity, or wonder, or alarm ormerely of a bright fixed attention, though is includedall the four expressions——as his eyes rested on thesethings, a sudden vivid likeness passed before him, ofa child whom he had held in his arms on the passageacross that very Channel, one cold time, when thehail drifted heavily and the sea ran high. The likenesspassed away, like a breath along the surface of thegaunt pier-glass behind her, on the frame of which, a hospital procession of negro cupids, several head-lessand all cripples, were offering black baskets of DeadSea fruit to black divinities of the feminine gender ——and he made his formal bow to Miss Manette.  "Pray take a seat, sir." In a very clear andpleasant young voice; a little foreign in its accent, but avery little indeed.  "I kiss your hand, miss," said Mr. Lorry, withthe manners of an earlier date, as he made his formalbow again, and took his seat.




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  •   这本书纸质挺好的,印刷很正
  •   中英双语,帮同学买的,不错
  •   帮同事的孩子买的,没有拆开来看,应该不错的,邮费贵
  •   中英文对照,既可享乐其中又能温习英文,很不错。
  •   中英对照版本,一举多得,学习英文!
  •   英汉双译
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  •   物流很给力,宝贝也不错,满分
  •   很好,提高越读能力,丰富了课外知识
  •   高中的时候有学过,那时就很想看了,现在终于买到了~~不过书有点弄脏了,纸质一般。不过是汉英对照的,很便宜,不错啦!
  •   翻译很到位,读起来也方便
  •   不过书的包装治疗整体还是不错的
  •   节选本,内容没仔细看,还好吧
  •   书还是不错的 只是没看清 结果是个双语版的 不过物超所值
  •   经得起时间考验的好书。
  •   书的质量还可以,比平常的开本略窄一些。里面的故事看完以后没弄懂中心思想,不过英文版的对英语阅读倒是有很大的帮助,而且里面有一些单词在平常的阅读中并不常见,有一定水平的英语爱好者可以看一看,初级水平的会看不懂。
  •   是一句一句的选录,但是控制了生词,还可以看~
  •   双城记(中英文对照)
  •   小本的书,好看的书

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