出版时间:2009-10 出版社:外文出版社 作者:夏洛蒂·勃朗特 页数:280
这是一部具有浓厚浪漫主义色彩的现实主义小说,小说主要描写了简·爱与罗契斯特的爱情。主人公简·爱是一个心地纯洁、善于思考的女性,她生活在社会底层,受尽磨难。但她有倔强的性格和勇于追求平等幸福的精神。小说以浓郁抒情的笔法和深刻细腻的心理描写,引入入胜地展示了男女主人公曲折起伏的爱情经历,歌颂了摆脱一切旧习俗和偏见。扎根于相互理解。相互尊重的基础之上的深挚爱情,具有强烈的震撼心灵的艺术力量。其最为成功之处在于塑造了一个敢于反抗,敢于争取自由和平等地位的妇女形象。 本书为《世界名著佳段阅读》丛书之一。
"You see she is yet young; you observe shepossesses the ordinary form of childhood; God hasgraciously given her the shape that He has given to allof us; no signal deformity points her out as a markedcharacter. Who would think that the Evil One hadalready found a servant and agent in her? Yet such, Igrieve to say, is the case." "My dear children," pursued the bLack marbleclergyman, with pathos, "this is a sad, a melancholyoccasion; for it becomes my duty to warn you, that thisgirl, who might be one of Gods own lambs, is a littlecastaway: not a member of the true flock, but evidentlyan interloper and an alien. You must be on your guardagainst her; you must shun her example; if necessary,avoid her company, exclude her from your sports, andshut her out from your converse. Teachers, you mustwatch her: keep your eyes on her movements, weighwell her words, scrutinise her actions, punish her bodyto save her soul: if, indeed, such salvation be possible,for (my tongue falters while I tell it) this girl, thischild, the native of a Christian land, worse than manya little heathen who says its prayers to Brahma andkneels before Juggernaut —— this girl is —— a liar!" Now came a pause of ten minutes, duringwhich I, by this time in perfect possession of my wits, observed all the female Brocklehursts produce theirpocket-handkerchiefs and apply them to their optics,while the elderly lady swayed herself to and fro, andthe two younger ones whispered, "How shocking!" "Let her stand half an hour longer on thatstool, and let no one speakto her during the remainderof the day."