
出版时间:2009-7  出版社:外文出版社  作者:朱信明 编  页数:124  字数:100000  


  英语听力的好坏主要表现在对所学英语词汇发音的反应,对短语、习语、句子、意群、停顿的理解,对句子语调、语气的感悟,对词与词之间的弱读、连读的辨析,以及对西方文化背景和思维模式等的综合理解。  听力虽不是评判一个人英文水平的唯一标准,但听力不好却会严重影响我们的英语交流能力。在我们国家,听力几乎是所有学英语的同学在考试和实际应用中最害怕的部分。很多同学为此“费尽心机”,效果却始终不佳。原因何在?我们认为主要有下面几种原因:  1.语音基础打得不好,造成反应跟不上。  2.连读、弱读训练不够,本来会的听起来像生词。  3.对西方的文化背景和思维模式不熟悉。  4.听力训练量太小。  《新课程标准》对一、二级规定的训练量是每学年不少于10个小时。对中学生(五级)的听力训练量没有做出明确规定。但听力训练当然是越多越好,这样更容易建立起英语单词与发音之间的条件反射,形成良好的听力训练习惯。  任何使用过英语进行交流的人都明白,对方说的每句话不可能全是生词,听不懂只存在两种情况:真听不懂和假听不懂。




  朱信明 合著者:(英国)John Smith




  A special laboratory at the University of Chicago is busy only at night. It is adream laboratory where researchers are at work studying dreamers. Their findingshave discovered that everyone dreams from three to seven times a night, althoughin ordinary life a person may remember none or only one of his dreams.  While the subjects——usually students——sleep, special machines record theirbrain waves and eye movements as well as the body movements that signal the endof a dream. Surprisingly, all subjects sleep soundly.  Observers report that a person usually fidgets before a dream.Once thedream has started, his body relaxes and his eyes become more active, as if thecurtain had gone up on a show. As soon as the machine shows that the dream isover, a buzzer wakens the sleeper. He sits up, records his dream, and goes backto sleep——perhaps to dream some more.  Researchers have found that if the dreamer is wakened immediately after hisdream, he can usually recall the entire dream. If he is allowed to sleep even fivemore minutes, his memory of the dream will have disappeared.  (  ) 1. Which description of the following on Betty is RIGHT?  A. Betty likes to go shopping.  B. Betty doesnt like to go shopping.  C. Betty likes to stay at home watching TV.  (  ) 2. What does the man remember of Sally?  A. She was a little fat.  B. She studied hard.  C. She is on diet now.  (  ) 3. Where could you possibly hear such a talk?  A. At the airport.B. On the plane. C. On a bus.  (  ) 4. What can we draw from the talk?  A. The man calls home as often as the woman does.  B. The man doesnt call home as often as the woman does.  C. The man doesnt like to keep in touch with his family.  (  ) 5. What can we infer from that conversation?  A. The woman had looked for the book.  B. The woman doesnt need the book.  C. The woman is a student.  (  ) 6. How is the woman getting on with the preparation for her interview?  A. Very well.  B. Not well.  C. We dont know.  (  ) 7. What is the mans suggestion?  A. Hope to be in luck.  B. Try to think of questions that will be asked.  C. Try to find someone who has experience to ask.  ( ) 8. What interview is the woman going to have?  A. A visa interview.  B. A job interview.  C. An exam interview.  (  ) 9, Which course of the following does the man suggest the woman taking?  A. Get-ready for the exam.  B. Note-taking.  C. Writing,  (  ) 10. Where did the man learn the skill?  A. In the university.  B. In a eourse last year.  C. In his high sehool.  ( ) 11. Who taught him the skill?  A. His English teacher.  B. His maths teacher,  C. His history teaeher.


  本书以新课程标准为纲,强化英语听力训练,涵盖典型高考试题,提升高考听力水平。  名师辅导,权威奉献,全真模拟,最新版本。



    高考英语听力全真模拟试卷2010版 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计36条)


  •   高考英语听力全真模拟试卷2010版很实用,我已考上大学了
  •   内容符合高考模式,题型也一样,当时就冲着他的时效性买的!




  •   给别人孩子买的~~挺适合高考的听力书
  •   磁带看起来脏脏的,不过都能听。
  •   有磁带,20卷听力,不错
  •   有没有这本听力书的mp3下载。不想用复读机。
  •   我买着听力书很好有提高真的
  •   孩子 已经用完,觉得听力有提高。
  •   天天练练,绝对实用!!
  •   还是比较有用的。反正要经常听才有感觉吧。
  •   听的也还可以。。
  •   这是第二次购买这本书了,这次是送给朋友的孩子为学习参考用。录音质量很好,声音清晰。题目难度适中。
  •   价格挺合理的,质量也不错,难度在中等偏上一点
  •   挺好的,真的挺好的
  •   磁带质量不错,我是买来训练高考听力的额,推荐高三考生可以买来训练
  •   总体还是可以的,不论难度还是语速还是发音,我个人觉得是不错的,但是唯一的缺点,我觉得就是对于2011年高考的针对性不是很好,听力写词的题很少。
  •   磁带压的都碎了 其中一盘报废 不过音质不错 语速适中
  •   这卷磁带是快版的。而且有一点绕,难度有一点。
  •   被压裂了 除了不能倒带 其他都正常 当当包货的时候已经很用心了 在书的表面又缠了一层软垫 可能是运输过程中被压坏的吧。。。。。。
  •   书的印刷字体很大内容听起来很清晰语速也蛮不错的,就是再稍微快一点就更好了很实用。。。
  •   听完了全套挺有帮助的
  •   都听完了,就最后几章不怎么样
  •   给亲戚买的,她说蛮好
  •   不错可以试试看,不信的话多试也不错
  •   听了还不错!!!
  •   语速太快
  •   但是语速很快,可以多练练
  •   还不错吧。女儿练习听力用得着。
  •   总体感觉还行。就是接到书的时候发现其中一盒磁带被压坏了。
  •   磁带有点问题!!!
  •   好像是全国的 不是上海的。。
  •   语速有点慢,题目比较简单。
  •   和书店里的一样,但是价格较便宜。
  •   很无奈,收到时四盘磁带有两盘都有损坏。。。
  •   包装约等于没有,不适合北京学生用~
  •   一开始看评论以为是那种语速很快的,但没想到比我平时练的还慢很多。而且~~不适合广东学生

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