出版时间:2009-1 出版社:外文出版社 作者:卢敏 编 页数:214
科技发展和经济全球化使对外交流与合作日益频繁。在传播先进的文化和科技方面,翻译起着越来越重要的桥梁和纽带作用。随着我国改革开放的进一步深化,加入世界贸易组织和综合国力的提高,我国在国际事务中的作用越来越重要。我国的翻译人员不仅要把国外先进文明成果介绍到国内,而且还要把国内优秀的文化、科技成果推向世界。因此,我国急需越来越多的优秀翻译人才。但是,我国的翻译人才却青黄不接。正是在此背景下,国家人力资源和社会保障部推出了全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试,不拘一格地选拔高素质的翻译人才。 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试是国内最具权威的翻译专业资格认证考试,是对应试者口、笔译方面的双语互译能力和水平的认定。该考试已经纳入国家职业资格证书制度。考试合格将获得由国家人力资源和社会保障部颁发的《中华人民共和国翻译专业资格(水平)证书》,该证书是聘任翻译专业技术职务的必备条件之一,在全国范围内有效。 为了帮助广大考生全面了解该考试,有的放矢地备考,我们编写了这本《英语二级笔译考试真题精选》。 本书收录在内的是从历年考试中精选出的几套实考真题,以给广大考生提供实战热身的素材。本书紧扣考试大纲,透彻分析和归纳了考点和采分点。这些详解和点拨可以开阔考生的眼界,帮助解决笔译考试中遇到的棘手问题。 本书中的“笔译综合能力”部分由试题、参考答案和综合解析组成。我们总结了历年笔译综合能力考试科目的基本考点。词汇、语法部分常见的考点包括近义/同义辨析、形近识别、音近识别、习语辨析、结构识别、副词应用、时态应用、语态应用等。阅读理解部分常见的考点包括细节题型、主旨题型、词义题型、是非题型、态度题型、推断题型等。完形填空部分常见的考点包括词语搭配、结构搭配、语境搭配、习惯搭配等。通过研读这些考点,考生可以在笔译考试时胸有成竹,不仅知其然,而且知其所以然。
Unit One英译汉 Benjamin Franklin:“The First American”汉译英 容闳笔译技巧(一) 译者的修养强化训练Unit Two英译汉 Voracious Newspaper Readers汉译英 中国给了我“天使般的行文”笔译技巧(二) 英译汉中文化因素的“归化”和“异化”强化训练Unit Three英译汉 Tea in Britain汉译英 景颇族笔译技巧(三) 英语长句汉译的转换规律和英译文的简洁、精炼强化训练Unit Four英译汉 The Margaret Mitchell House汉译英 大冯:过年就是“过文化”笔译技巧(四) 翻译需要平时多阅读多积累强化训练Unit Five英译汉 Message from the President of the International Olympic Committee.Jacques Rogge汉译英 序笔译技巧(五) 寻找理论到实践的切入点强化训练Untit Six英译汉 A Survey of the Olympic Games汉译英 斯诺与旅游笔译技巧(六) 形合与意合在英汉互译中的转化强化训练Unit Seven英译汉 Principle of Maglev汉译英 内燃机笔译技巧(七) 科技翻译技巧(上)强化训练Unit Eight英译汉 What Are Transgenic Plants and Animals?汉译英 农业、牲畜业和食品工业中的科技笔译技巧(八) 科技翻译技巧(下)强化训练Unit Nite英译汉 Adventures of Literacy Workers汉译英 中国教育事业的发展笔译技巧(九) 英译汉中句型的转换和汉译英的选词强化训练Unit Ten英译汉 The Pleasures of Ignorance汉译英 养花笔译技巧(十) 篇名、圆周句与长句及专名的翻译强化训练Unit Eleven英译汉 What Is Nanotechnology?汉译英 悬索桥笔译技巧(十一) 科技翻译中的“口吻”和被动语态的翻译强化训练Unit Twelve英译汉 Spaceships of the Future汉译英 隧道挖掘笔译技巧(十二) 科技文章的遣词三境界与活用-ing结构强化训练Unit Thirteen英译汉 The Ideal Place for Your Summer Vacation汉译英 人间天堂——杭州笔译技巧(十三) 英汉句子结构的差异与翻译是“重写”或“改写”强化训练Unit Fourteen英译汉Passage One How to Find the Right International PaitriersPassage Two How Richard Branson Works MagicPassage Three Fluctuations in the Exchange Rates and Risks Management汉译英Passage One 醉翁之意不在酒Passage Two 中国从容应对亚洲金融危机Passage Three 2001上海国际冶金工业展开幕式致词笔译技巧(十四) 经贸翻译强化训练Unit Fifteen一、法律文件汉译英1.选词、用词2.句子结构二、法律文件英译汉1.词的理解与翻译2.词组的理解与翻译3.句子结构的理解与翻译全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试问答
Questions 81-90 are based on the following passage. "What does the middleman do but add to the price of goods in the shops?" Such remarks are aimed at the intermediate operations between manufacturers and final customers. This practice usually attracts a lot of attention from the public and the press and the operation most talked about is what is often called wholesaling. The wholesaler buys goods in large quantities from the manufacturers and sells them in smaller parcels to retailers, and for this service his selling price to the retailer is raised several percent higher. But his job is made more difficult by retail demand not necessarily running level with manufacturers production. Because he adjusts or regulates the flow of goods by holding stock until required, he frees the manufacturer, to some extent, from the effect on production of changing demand and having to bear the whole risk. The manufacturer can then keep up a steady production flow, and the retailer has no need to hold heavy stocks, who can call on the wholesaler for supplies any time. This wholesale function is like that of a valve in a water pipe. The middleman also bears part of the risk that would otherwise fall on the manufacturer and also the retailer. The wholesaler provides a purely commercial service, for which he is too well rewarded. But the point that is missed by many people is that the wholesaler is not just someone adding to the cost of goods. It is true one could eliminate the wholesaler but one would still be left with his function: that of making sure that goods find their way to the people who want them.