
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:He, Xiangyang  页数:456  


Readers from all over the world, who are used to learning about China through foreign newspapers, TV and the Internet, may now open up these books to see China through the heartfelt thoughts and writings of Chinese people themselves. The many authors of these new short stories, living in this rapidly developing and changing, yet ancient nation, have strived to describe all that is happening in and around themselves, to give genuine dynamic expression to the intricate recent experiences of the Chinese people. Through the power of their words you will be able to catch glimpses of the real, complex and living China, as well as other possibilities for all humanity, including yourself.     作者简介:    He Xiangyang. who graduated from Zhengzhou University with an MA in Chinese Literature, is a renowned literary critic in China. She is a renowned fellow at the Henan Academy of Social Sciences (HASS), and the director of the HASS Literature Institute. Her major works include Stories on the Pilgrimage(1996)and Retrospectives through a Mirror (2004).As editor-in-chief, she conducted the compilation of 21st Century Chinese Literature-Short Stories (2002), Intellectual Women's Literature (2004), and other books. She was the winner of the 2nd Lu Xun Literary Award Prize in Criticism of Literary Theories, one of over 20 professional awards she has garnered through the years.


Wang Meng  21st Century Chinese Literature - Points of DepartureHe Xiangyang  The "Soul" in Her BodyTie Ning  How Far Is ForeverWang Anyi  Maiden Days in the BoudoirChi Li  A Rose in FuLl Bloom OvernightWei Wei  Big Lao Zheng's WomanXu Kun  The KitchenSun Huifen  SowingGe Sbuiping  Weeping ForsythiaJiang Yun  perfect JourneysFang Fang  Ending Where I StartedPan Xiangli  Forever AutumnSheng Keyi  The SurgeryEditor's Recommended Reading (in Chinese)


  在这个信息爆炸的时代,信息量增加,但阅读信息的时间却没有变。因此,短小精悍、故事情节又完整的小说适应了时代潮流,它不仅可以让你感受阅读的愉悦,更可以使你增加信息量。   《永远有多远(英文版)》汇集国内小说名家佳作,包括《Maiden Days in the Boudoir》《Weeping Forsythia》《Forever Autumn》《The Surgery》等等。随手翻来,既是极好的休闲,也是上佳的心灵鸡汤。




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