出版时间:2008-1 出版社:外文出版社 作者:斯德克 页数:309
本书与市面上其他写商务对话的书不同,书中有八个固定的角色,这八个人每天都穿梭于商业职场,对话讲述的就是他们的故事。同时,与按照特定话题来设计安排的枯燥的对话不同,这本书是关于这八个人之间以及和他们的上司之间发生的故事,趣味横生。这一点书店里的其他书是不具备的。 特别之处有三: 第一,本书的作者来自英国,并且拥有多年在中国一流大学的教学经验。对话中充满了最时尚的表达方式,也就是说,你将会学到现在英国人最流行的口语。 第二,对话中突出强调了词组、短语和表达法。因为在任何课文中,无论是口语还是书面语,由二、三、四,甚至是五个单词所组成的词组、短语和表达法都占据了主要部分。在我们日常的听说读写中,固定表达法的比例可能会高达70%,这就是我们的大脑储存词汇的方式。意识到这点很重要,与单个的单词相比,我们更倾向于记忆和使用词组。所以,在学习英语时,不要只记单个单词,而应该记忆词组和短语。 第三,也是最重要的。这些对话紧扣人们的商业和日常生活,取材来自生活,原汁原味,是日常英语会话中所必须。 非常感谢我的出版人蔡箐小姐给予我的鼓励和帮助。感谢Tori waters-wang为本书贡献了许多精彩的对话。最后,我还要感谢李杨和赵娇为本书所作的翻译以及她们孜孜不倦、精益求精的态度。
意想不到的精彩场景,妙趣横生的英文对话,互动式学习,点燃英语课堂! 《英语国际人:嘻哈口语办公室的故事》是一部实用的工具,它帮助读者快速达到流畅自如、沟通无障碍的英语水平;本书以东西方的文化差异为背景、多样的话题、海量的对话,使读者全情投入英语的世界,集中展现了英语口语中那些巧妙达意的地道用法,身临其境的口语情景,再配有录音光盘供口语模仿,以加深读者的记忆!
CharactersChapter 1 Your First Year at Work1.Meeting and Greeting2.Making New Friends3.Employee Contracts4.Business CallsChapter 2 Working for the Boss5.Different Types of Bosses6.Dealing with Criticism7.Sexual Harassment8.Making MistakesChapter 3 Working with Colleagues9.Office Parties10.Free Time11.Office Romance12.Office GossipChapter 4 Dealing with Customers13.Customer Relations14.Entertaining Clients15.Quality Control16.MarketingChapter 5 Personnel17.Job Titles and Descriptions18.Business English19.Staffing Problems20.Job InterviewsChapter 9 Business Opportunities21.Franchising22.Import/Export23.Expansion24.Web BusinessChapter 7 Holidays25.Annual Leave26.Golden Weeks27.Changes to the Public Holidays28.Foreign HolidaysChapter 8 Outside Work Problems29.Accommodation30.Travel31.Leisure32.FamilyChapter 9 Money33.Salaries34.Overtime35.Annual Bonus36.Perks of the JobChapter 10 Business Thinking37.The 6 Hats38.Blue-sky Thinking39.The Long Tail40.The 80/20 Rule
Weird Job Titles(Lulu and her colleague,Kiki,discuss amagazine article about weird job titles.) Kiki:What ale you reading?What on earth is a ChiefImagination Officer? Lulu:Guess! K:Whatever it is.do we need one here?Id like ajob title、likethat. L:I don’t think you would,it’S just a creative assistant actually,that means making the coffee and… K:Oh no!Forget tllat!What about this one…EnvironmentTechnician,what ever is that? L:Think about it,environment,that could be working environment,office environn~nt in general,how clean it is? K:Yes,yes,I bet it’S just a glorified cleaner! L:You’ve got it,it is a cleaner.Still,even with that j9b title,cleaning the toilets would be gross! K:Voice Data Executive.Now that does sound interesting.youknow how I love to sing.Maybe I could USe my singing voicein my job all day long. L:Nail,it Can’t be anything good,all of these have been awfuljobs SO far.Let’s thinks about this…data…well.some sortof information.And the voice thing,maybe it’S about passingon information verbally. K:Passing information verbally…SO on the telephone.A tele·phonist!You’re right,that’S pretty much what I do now andwhether I had that title or not Id still hate my job! L:Haha!At least you aren’t an Environmental Technician.you’ve still got that t0 be thankful for. 奇怪的工作头衔(Lulu和她的同事Kiki在谈论杂志上一篇关于奇怪的工作头衔的文章) K:你在看什么?首席想象员到底是做什么的呀? L:你猜猜看! K:不管是什么,我们这儿需要一个吗?我希望有个像这样的工作头衔。 L:我觉得你不需要。这实际上就是一个有“创造力”的助手,像;中咖啡呀什么的。 K:哦。还是算了吧!别理那个了。这个怎么样?环境技术员,这又是做什么的? L:想想看,环境应该是指工作环境,一般是办公室环境。能有多干净? K:对。我敢肯定就是清洁工! L:你猜对了,就是清洁工。所以,即使对这种工作头衔来说,打扫卫生间的说法太不雅了。 K:声音数据执行员,这个听起来有意思。你是知道的,我有多喜欢唱歌。也许我可以用我的歌声工作一整天。 L:别了,那不可能是什么好差事,现在看起来都是很糟糕的工作。你想想看……数据……一些信息,然后是和声音有关的。也许是口头信息传讯员。 K:口头传递信息……就是说和电话有关。一个话务员!你是对的,那和我现在的工作差不多,而且不管我有没有那个头衔,我真的不喜欢这份工作。 L:哈哈,至少你不是环境技术员呀。你还是应该心存感激啊。 Pay Rise or Promotion(Lulu goes home and discusses job titlesversus salary with spring.) Lulu:1 was reading a magazine article about weird job titles withKiki today,some of them weze almost impossible to guesswhat the job actually entailed. Spring:Yes.I’ve seen something like that,The funniest one Isaw was an Odd Shoe Examiner!Can you guess what theresponsibilities are for that job? L:Odd Shoe Examiner?Maybe they check people’S shoes.Imean the ones who got dressed in the dark,to check that theyare wearing a pair?Ive needed one of those before! S:That’S because you have too many shoes.no actually theresponsibilities are examining shoe uppers for any defectsbefore they leave the factory. L:Really?Totally not what I expected.Anyway.what I wasgetting to was if your boss gave you a wonderful new rifle,but no raise to go with it,how would you feel? S:At the moment my rifle is just“Document Translator”.Whatcould they call me,really? L:I don’t know.“Head of Creative Translation and Interpretationof Really Important Stuff”? S:Well.I’d definitely need the money to go wim that rifle.But Isee what you mean,some people do hold rifles over money. L:If I had a job rifle with“executive”in it.Im sure I’d feelbetter about myself,regardless of the money. S:Really9 All your boss has to do is add executive to your jobtitle and youd be happier at work?
八人行,演绎职场情景剧 掌握职场英语行话 悟透职场生存法则