出版时间:1970-1 出版社:外文出版社 作者:史志康,曾甲 著 页数:170
为了帮助广大考生在英语专业新题型考试大纲出台之后轻松获得英语专业八级考试高分,我们组织编写了《英语专业新题型巅峰突破·8级听力》。 一、题目:本书根据新题型考试大纲编写,按照新题型英语专业八级听力考试的形式(Mini.1ecture,Conversation or Interview,News Broadcast),汇编成16个Test,分为“入门分析篇”“技能实战篇”“强化提高篇”“考前冲刺篇”等4个阶段。考生自测时每个Test须在35分钟内完成。 二、听力答案:直接跟在每个
入门分析篇Test 1答案与听力原文Test 2答案与听力原文Test 3答案与听力原文Test 4答案与听力原文技能实战篇Test 5答案与听力原文Test 6答案与听力原文Test 7答案与听力原文Test 8答案与听力原文强化提高篇Test 9答案与听力原文Test 10答案与听力原文Test 11答案与听力原文Test 12答案与听力原文考前冲刺篇Test 13答案与听力原文Test 14答案与听力原文Test 15答案与听力原文Test 16答案与听力原文
The Reform of the United Nations It’S a pleasure for me to be here.I’d like to share my thoughts on the reformof the United Nations.I think the UN should initiate reform in two ways,SO as tocreate a more positive environment for its(1)effective functioning. First,the authority of the General Assembly needs to be enhanced as the focusof efforts to strengthen the UN.In the UN Charter,the Security Council is givenprimary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security;it isthe only organ whose decisions are legally binding on member states(Articles 24~25).In actuality,however,the veto power granted only to the five permanentmembers prevents the Council from fulfilling its function when agreement cannotbe reached.In order to overcome the Security Council’S(2)limitations,it iS essen.tial to empower the General Assembly through strengthening both its structuresand practiceS. The UN Charter stipulates that the General AssemblyS responsibility for themaintenance of international peace and security iS subordinate to that of the SecurityCouncil.But as a global forum for dialogue open to all member states,the GeneralAssembly is uniquely representative of the members’views.There is a body ofprecedent for the General Assembly meeting in emergency special session andmaking recommendations to member states when the Security Council fails to fulfillits primary responsibility due,for example,to the exercise of the veto.Thisprocess was established by the“Uniting for Peace”resolution adopted by theGeneral Assembly in 1950,which enables emergency special sessions to be called bya vote of any nine members of the Security Council,or by a majority of the UNmember states. In the twenty-first century,the UN must be capable of fully(3)representingand reflecting the views of the international community in searching for the mostappropriate means of resolving problems.The practice of holding emergency spe-cial sessions of the General ASsembly should be encouraged,and routes establishedby which their deliberations can be fed back to the SecuritY Council.This will pro-vide a broader basis for making the difficult decisions needed to meet the new typesof threat to peace that have emerged in recent years+.It is understood that thestrength and authority of the UN lie in its ability to build consensus within the in-ternational community.While measures to counter threatS:to peace and securitymust be effective,even more crucially they must be seen as having legitimacy,which is in turn the basis for soft power. My second proposal for institutional reform Concerns the need to coordinateand integrate the strategies and activities of the UN agencieg that provide differentforms of(4)support for people and societies caught uP in violent conflict.This must cover the entire process from the start of conflict to postconflict(5)peace-building activities.When a conflict happens, all actors must Work under a unifiedleadership and focus on the needs of peOple and societies afflicted by the ravages ofconflict.There is an increasin gly urgent need to develop a comprehensive frame-work for relief activities to respond to conflicts of an ever more complex nature.Ibelieve that a body should be created within the UN to take effectilve in ternationalleadership for this particular challenge.Specifically,the Trusteeship Council,which has suspended operations could be reconstituted as a“peace rehabilitationcouncil”to assume this responsibility. In order to strengthen the UN,popular(6)engagement and support are essen-tial-at least as important as the efforts of member states.The world body has been suffering from(7)financial constraints for many years,and support in a widerange of areas is:required.There have,of course,been。positive developments.For example,more and more people have come to the terms of the importance of theinteraction between civil society and the UN.I believe that the involvement of the NGOs and(8)civil societies will help strengthen the capacity of the UN to contributeto peace in the new era. Complementing these suggestions for UN reform,I would also like to stressthe importance of fostering a global environment in which:conflict is resolvedthrough the rule of law.It is crucially important to create,through an international network of cooperation and with an emphasis on preventive measures.The Inter.national Criminal Court(ICC)needs to be central to this process.0fficiallylaunched by the swearing,in of its judges in March 2003,the(10)ICC is the first permanent international criminal court established to try individuals for warcrimes,genocide or crimes against humanity.It is important to increase the num.ber of states participating in the ICC and encourage its effective functioning.TheICC can help sever the cycles of hatred and violence that d rive conflict and terror.It can contribute tO establishing a(9)culture of resolving conflicts through recourseto law rather than resort to force. After the bombing of the UN headquarters in Baghdad last August,the Securi.ty Council adopted a resolution expressing strong condemnation of terror against:UN personnel and.humanitarian relief workers in zones of conflict,identifyingthese acts as war crimes.Also in this connection it iS necessary to reinforce Inter.national Humanitarian Law which was developed to define the legally acceptablebehavior of combatants in wartime.This iS needed to respond to new types of con-.flict,such as civil wars that spill over international borders,and to ensure thatcounter-terrorism measures are COnducted in accord with the spirit of humanitarianlaw.
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