
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:德莱塞  页数:576  




  德莱塞,(Theodore Dreiser l871.8.27~1945)美国小说家。出生于破产小业主家庭。曾长期在社会底层劳动挣扎。青年时期曾任报刊记者和编辑,并开始从事文学创作。1917年后倾向社会主义,1928年应邀访苏,1945年申请参加美国共产党。德莱塞是倾向社会主义的美国现实主义作家。1928年访苏前,他的创作仍属批判现实主义范畴。写出了揭露美国社会贫富悬殊、道德沦丧的长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》(1900)、《珍妮姑娘》(1911)和揭露金融资产阶级的发家及其必然灭亡的长篇小说《欲望三部曲》(第1部《金融家》1912,第2部《巨人》1914,第3部《斯多葛》1947)。代表作长篇小说《美国的悲剧》(1925)通过一个穷教士儿子克莱特·格里菲斯为追逐金钱财势堕落为蓄意杀人犯的故事,不仅揭示了利己主义恶性膨胀的严重后果,同时更揭露了金钱至上的美国生活方式对人的普遍的罪恶性腐蚀毒害作用。这时期作者尽管也受社会进化论和弗洛伊德心理分析学说的影响,且把它们运用于人物构思和心理刻画上,但他把他们跟社会环境紧密结合起来,并未陷入生物和情欲的泥淖,反使作品具有丰满的现实主义内容和巨大艺术感染力。1928年访苏后,随着德菜塞政治立场的转变,他的创作也开始走向社会主义现实主义道路。这一时期的作品有《德莱塞访苏印象记》(1928),政论集《悲剧的美国》(1931),短篇小说集《妇女群像》(1929)等。


Chapter 1 The Magnet Attracting—A Waif AmidForcesChapter 2 What Poverty Threatened—Of Granuite andBrassChapter 3 Wee Question of Fortune—Four-Fifty a WeekChapter 4 The Spendings of Fancy—Facts Answer With SneersChapter 5 A GUttering Night Hower  the Use of a NameChapter 6 The Machine and the Maiden  A Knight of To-dayChapter 7 The Lure of the Material  Beauty Speaks for ItselfChapter 8 Intimations by Winter—An Ambassador SunnnonedChapter 9 Convention's Own ~nder-Box- The Eye That Is GreenChapter 10 The Counsel of Winter—Fortune's Ambassador CallsChapter 11 The Persuasion of Fashion—Feeling Guards O'er Its OwnChapter 12 Of the Lamps of the Mansions m The Ambassador PleaChapter 13 His Credentials Accepted—A Babel of TonguesChapter 14 With Eyes and Not Seeing—One Influence WanesChapter 15 The Irk of the Old Ties—The Magic of YouthChapter 16 A Witless Aladdin—The Gate to the WorldChapter 17 A Glimpse Though the Gateway- Hope Lightens the EyeChapter 18 Just Over the Border—A Hail and FarewellChapter 19 An Hour in Elfland—A Clamour Half HeardChapter 20 The Lure of the Spirit—The Flesh in PursuitChapter 21 The Lure of the Spirit—The Flesh in PursuitChapter 22  The Blaze of the Tinder—Flesh Wars with the FleshChapter 23 A Spirit in Travail—One Rung Put BehindChapter 24 Ashes of Tinder—A Face at the WindowChapter 25 Ashes of Tinder—The Loosing of StaysChapter 26 The Ambassador Fallen—A Search for the GatqChapter 27 When Waters Engulf US We Reach for a StarChapter 28 A Pilgrim,an Outlaw—The Spirit DetainedChapter 29 The Solace of Travel—The Boats of the SeaChapter 30 The Kingdom of Greatness—The Pilgrim a DreamChapter 31  A Pet of Good Porttme—Broadway Haunts Its JoysChapter 32  The Peast of Belshazzar—A Seer to TranslateChapter 33 Without the Walled City—The Slope of the YearsChapter 34 The Grind of the Millstones—A Sample of ChaffChapter 35 The Passing of Effort—The Visage of CareChapter 36 A Grim Retrogression—The Phantom of ChanceChapter 37 The Spirit Awakens  New Search for the GateChapter 38 In Elf Land Disporting—The Grim World WithoutChapter 39 Of Lights and of Shadows—The Parting of WorldsChapter 40 A Public Dissension—A Final AppealChapter 41 The StrikeChapter 42 A Touch of Spring—The Empty ShellChapter 43 The World Turns Flatterer—An Eye in the DarkChapter 44 And This Is Not Elf Land—What Glod Will Not BuyChapter 45 Curious Shifts of the PoorChapter 46 Stirring Troubled WatersChapter 47 The Way of the Beaten—A Harp in the Wind


  Now was a slight chance to say a word in his own behalf.He leaned over quietly and continued his steady gaze. Hefelt the critical character of the period. She endeavouredto stir, but it was useless. The whole strength of a mansnature was working. He had good cause to urge him on.He looked and looked, and the longer the situation lastedthe more difficult it became. The little shop-girl wasgetting into deep water. She was letting her few supportsfloat away from her.  "Oh," she said at last, "you mustnt look at me likethat."  "I cant help it," he answered.  She relaxed a little and let the situation endure,giving him strength.  "You are not satisfied with life, are you?"  "No," she answered, weakly.  He saw he was the master of the situation——he felt it.He reached over and touched her hand,  "You mustnt," she exclaimed, jumping up.  "I didnt intend to," he answered, easily.  She did not run away, as she might have done. Shedid not terminate the interview, but he drifted off into apleasant field of thought with the readiest grace. Not longafter he rose to go, and she felt that he was in power.  "You mustnt feel bad," he said, kindly; "things willstraighten out in the course of time."  She made no answer, because she could think ofnothing to say.  "We are good friends, arent we?" he said, extendinghis hand.  "Yes," she answered.  "Not a word, then, until I see you again."  He retained a hold on her hand.  "I cant promise," she said, doubtfully.






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  •   现在已经读完了 我的阅读计划 红蓝白系列,争取全读完 这是第八本
  •   这是我最喜欢的外国名著,这本英文版的让我品味到了原味!
  •   主人公性格单纯,漂亮胆小,为了谋生来到大城市,可是面对她的却是贫穷和失业。无奈之下,她做出了一些选择,改变了自己的命运,难道这真的是她想要的吗?看这本书,让我回忆起当年自己大学毕业刚入社会的种种疑惑,不安...推荐给新人们看
  •   这个系列的书都不错,装帧精美,看着也舒服,65折买的,32开本
  •   想买,想了很久。受一位敬爱的老师影响,觉得这本书可以陪自己度过生活的低潮高峰。书装帧很好,也不重,英文无错。
  •   很抱歉这么晚了才“评价”,当时拿了书就觉得非常有质感,而且很喜欢它的封面,现在书一切都用完了,觉得内容很清晰很好,印刷不错,店主发货很快,而且运途中书都包装的很好,没有损坏,非常感谢,以后会多逛逛的。
  •   书的质量还可以,字也很大很清楚。
  •   书的内容很好,送来的书很完整没有破损,我很早就像把这本书看完了,这次可以好好的享受一番了
  •   书的纸张感觉很好,外面有层薄膜要拆掉,很不错
  •   看过中文版的不错,女儿学英语专业,看英文原版书,有助英文水平提高。
  •   坚持看书 坚持学习
  •   很好的一套书,还没有时间看,珍藏
  •   原来就喜欢,一直想买,非常好。
  •   真的很好哦,买了不会后悔的呢,送货速度也很快的呢
  •   送的很快
  •   这一系列最大的特点就是排版舒服,价格超值~~
  •   价格也便宜,很厚的书!不错!
  •   这本书,字体大小还适合,不过是全英版的,偶尔有不理解的地方还需要查阅中文版。质量还行。比较喜欢。
  •   字体大小很适合,视觉效果很好
  •   这是一本很好的书,上学的时候就想读。那时候读的是中文版。现在有时间了,买了英文版,虽然有点累,但是其中体会与中文版很不相同。一切,都是那么吸引人~~~我还在读,我会一直读~
  •   内容自然是没得说的 就是纸张。。。
  •   还是很值得一看的小说!虽然内容有点多,书看起来有点厚!排版很清晰,纸张质量也不错的!
  •   书包的很好,没有破损,里面的纸张是黄色的,比较护眼,字体大小适中,看着很舒服~基本没有什么印刷错误。
  •   速度质量等都很赞~!
  •   书的质量很好!真是物美价廉!就是邮递的速度慢啊!因为书的质量的确无可挑剔,所以还要来买书啊!
  •   以前没怎么听说过这本书,不怎么出名,但还是买了
  •   可以说红蓝白系列的英文原著在外语专业的学生里面还是相当有人气的,适当的价格加上不错的包装,性价比算是较高的,不过唯一不足的是纸张略微差了点。
  •   红白蓝系列的书很不错呀。看的名著都是这个系列的。
  •   红白蓝系列的书封面啊纸张啊,然后最开始的那一层透明的都很漂亮,字大小也正好。不过最可惜前面什么都没有马上就正文了,怎么着也要有点前言啊什么的吧。这样读起来都没感觉了。不过总体还是好的
  •   书挺好的,就是没封膜
  •   帮同学买的,不知怎么样
  •   内容还是没得说的。但是当当这邮寄速度可真是令人叹为观止啊,11月13日下的单,12月6号到的书。另外这书的印刷质量实在是很一般很一般。
  •   字体对我来说刚刚好,质量也不错,总得来说性价比还是可以的
  •   质量不错的,纸质厚且轻。
  •   原来买过外研社的《红字》,质量比较好,以为外文社跟外研社是一样的,就买来了,最后却不一样,质量没外研社的好,能看到书页背面的字。还是买外研社的比较好。
  •   是全英文的,不是对照的。
  •   文章中会有些错别字

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