
出版时间:2007-11-8  出版社:Foreign Languages Press  作者:David A. Williams  页数:215  


In this book,David A.Williams goes into detail about his happy life in China.He tells every foreigner,especially his fellow Americans,to take the leap to China.Whether it is to find more job opportunities,a good wife or husband,lots of friends,a fast,developing economy,a low cost,safer standard of living,or just more adventure,China iS the place.He tells foreigners how to quickly integrate with the Chinese,how to become an“old China hand”and what it can mean for the successful career and social life of new foreigners living in China.He explains how he leamed Chinese on his own in nine months,and how that propelled his success in winning over the Chinese people and finding many jobs.




Part Ⅰ My Dream of Going to China Seven years of frustration Then I found out about China lmustmovetoChinaPart Ⅱ This IS China Arriving in Beijing “Only in China!”…Jobs China—A land of freedom China is safer Chinese people are more respectful I love Chinese food So many Chinese holidays Beautiful,kind,caring Chinese women Wonderful,caring friends Low cost ofliving FashioninChina A mixture of old and new Everything in China is BIG Touring ChinaPart Ⅲ Become a China Hand When in Rome,do as the Romans do Get very familiar with places Live in all area with mostly Chinese What tO say and do and what not to say and do Learn Chinese custOms Quickly make lots of friendsPart Ⅳ Rely on Yourself to Learn Chinese I became fluent in nine months Always speak Chinese Everyday,meet new friends—“mini-teachers” Always have a Chinese speaking roommate Never leave home without your Chinese dictionary and notebook Learn hanzi(Chinese characters)on your own Make it a disciplineEpilogueAppendix Preparing to move to China




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用户评论 (总计11条)


  •   真的很好的一本书,从一个美国人的眼光来看中国,很有意思!更有趣的是,他还知道一些连我们这些生活在北京的中国人都不了解的一些关于北京的事情!我很喜欢向我的外国朋友推荐这本书。
  •   很纯正的美语,从外国人眼中看中国,再从他们眼中了解他们的国家,让我们知道其实美国并不是我们想象中的那么好。
  •   一本很好的解读中国文化的外文书籍,让我们了解一个外国人眼中的中国是怎样的?值得购买和阅读。
  •   质量不错,内容是我需要的
  •   无意中看到就买下了,从中学到了不少东西,很多意外的东西。
  •   一个老外角度看中国,吃住行工作经历。
  •   我是一外教招聘、管理负责人,通过这本书可以了解外国人眼中的中国,有利于减少因语言表达引起误会。
  •   孩子去年寒假去新东方学习,新东方老师推荐的书。买回来后看了一点,因为要中考了,没太有时间看。等放了暑假再继续°吧。新东方老师推荐的,孩子就认为好。
  •   语言很好, 作为学英语的读物比较推荐
  •   改书为什么没有定价呢?
  •   书有点贵 有点脏 内容有点小儿 不过印刷挺好的

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