
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:周建华  页数:144  


Makye Ame does not attempt to summarize Tibelan culture.Instead,it gives expression to it from deep in our heats ,thereby conveying the Tibetan people's joys and sorrows as well as our desires and aspirations.  I often wonder if we could find ways to let more people get a real picture of Tibtan culture in their daily lives rather than just in academic works with,and thus familiar-ize themselves with some of its more intrinsic features and join us in carrying it forward.


  Tesring Norbu,also konwn ty his Chinese name Zhou Jiahua,was rorn in the Tibetan community in the ancient city of Dukezong,Shangri-la,in China's Yunnan Province,in 1960.His Tibetan nam literally menas Long-living Treasure.  Trering Norbu graduated with a bachelor's degree in history from the Yunnan Nationalities University in 1982.He workdes as a middle-schllo thcher for 18 years.and was awarded the tittle of "outstanding History Teacher for Middle Schools".


Unravel.ing the Mysteries Who Is Makye Ame: A Maiden, a Mother, a Lover or a Dream? The Shangri-la Private Dining Hall Relaxing by the Fire Pit Kitchen God A Time-honored Incense Burner Earthenware Wine Pot The Prayer Wheel The Mani Stone MoundA Butter BoxAn Old ArrowA Leather BagTibetan Paper, Pens and InkMasks Symbolizing DeitiesPrayer Streamer CourtyardA Clay Buddha StatueMuralsThangkaFour Animals in HarmonyThe Tibetan CabinetLegends of PadmasambhavaThe StupaThe Sacred YakThe StageThe Yak DanceFrom the GuestbookDid Shambhala Exist as Kingdom in Reality?Is the Presentation of Hada a Ritual of ExpressingFriendship?Why Do Tibetans Flick Wine into the Air BeforeDrinking?Wh-atls the Meaning of Dzi Beads? Are They Naturalor Artificial?What Is the Relationship Between the Six-syilable Mantra and the Cycle of Rebirth?What Exactly Is a Buddhist Ceremonial                                                   Implement?                              Exquisite Tibetan Kitchenware          In Tibetan Areas, Why Are Pictures of the EightAuspicious Symbols" of Tibetan. Buddhism painted onInner Walls, Tables ancl Vessels of Daily Use-?Why Do Lamas Wear Deep-red Robes?What Is the Meaning of the Seven Offerings to theBuddha?What Is a Mandala?Can Sotitary Retreat Be a Way for Ordinary People. toSeek Peace/of Mind?                    What Does the Swastika Mean?What Are the Origins of the Tibetan New YearCelebrations?I Love Tibetan Costumes Worn.by Young Women and Men of Makye Ame


  Who is Makye Ame: A maiden, a mother, a lover or a dream  did shambhala exist askingdom in reality  Is The Peresentation of Hada a ritual of Expressing Friendship  Why Do Tibetans  Fuck Wine into the air before drinking  what are the origins of the tibetan new year celebrations  Makye Ame, Lucky for Love




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