
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:外文  作者:李学勤  页数:213  


Chinese bronzes were only the daily utensils,work tools and weapons of the people of ancient times,but also exquisite works of master craftsmen which have been handed down from generation to generation.Their beautiful forms,elaborate decorations and the moving stories that were cast on them have attracted the attention and aroused the interest of lovers of bronzes at home and abroad.    This book,copiously illustrated with colour pictures and sketches,is recommended to readers who wish to explore the wonder of Chinese bronzes.In language comprehensible to the layman,it supplies a basic knowledge on Chinese bronze art:its origin,periods of development and its value as regards the study of ancient history and ancient script.The author is a specialist who has personally participated in many major archaeological excavations and researched into this subject on the latest results of the study and excavations of Chinese bronzes.


Li Xueqin,was born in March 1933 in Beijing where he studied philosophy in Tsinghua University.He began his academic career in 1952,when he took part in editing Collation of the Oracle-Bone Inscriptions of the Yin Ruins under the auspices of the Institute


PrefaceThe Origin of Chinese BronzesClassification of Bronzes"The Earth Cherishes No Treasure"A Long History of DevelopmentTestaments of Ancient HistoryFrom Pictographs to Seal and Clerical ScriptsMyth and RealityTechnique of Bronze CastingCharacteristics of Fine ArtsBronze Mirrors, Belt Hooks, Seals and CoinsThe Spread of Culture and Cultural ExchangeEndless New DiscoveriesAppendixesChronology of Chinese DynastiesReigning Periods of the Later Shang, Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou DynastiesIndex


《中国青铜器的奥秘(英文版)》中:This book,copiously illustratedr with colour pictures and sketches.Isrecom mended to readers who wish to explore the wonder of Chinese bronzes.In Ianguage comprehensible to the layman,it supplies a basic knowledge on Chinese bronze art.




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  •   此书让我们在了解专业知识的同时,领略李学勤先生的英文魅力。老先生的英文功底如此深厚,真是我们的好榜样!作为21世纪的学生,我们在学习专业知识的同时,也应在外语上加把劲儿!

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