
出版时间:2007-6  出版社:外文出版社  作者:童彤 编  页数:204  


《英语》(基础版全一册)是依照教育部最新颁发的《中等职业学校英语教学大纲》(以下称“大纲”)的目标要求,并结合中职中专英语教学的特点和目前各省市的教学实际情况编写而成的。    本教材充分体现了素质教育的理念,注重对学生的英语交际能力的培养,并充分考虑到中职学生的现状、特点和发展需要,以话题为主线,精心选材、精心编写,尽力做到编适于学、编利于教。    本教材共16个单元,每个单元设置一个交际话题。整本书讲述了4个主人公snoopy、Kitty、Garfield和Mickey在本书16个交际话题里所发生的有趣故事。各单元内容结构如下:      该部分依据各单元的交际话题内容设置了2~4个简单对话,对话在涵盖大纲规定的最基本的交际用语的基础上,又引进了最新、最时尚的口语。每段对话前都有中文提示语点明对话发生的背景,既能帮助学生理解对话,又可以让学生根据中文提示语展开丰富的想象。


UNIT1  问侯与介绍UNIT2  日常联系UNIT3  邀请、感谢和道歉UNIT4  肯定与不肯定UNIT5  请求和应答UNIT6  好恶UNIT7  劝告与建议UNIT8  天气UNIT9  问路UNIT10  购物UNIT11  饮食UNIT12  旅游UNIT13  宾馆UNIT14  兴趣和爱好UNIT15  在邮局、银行UNIT16  接送客人Revision附录一  课后练习答案附录二  听力练习录音文稿附录三  词汇和短语总表


  J: I look forward to coming here again.  S: Hope to see you again next spring. Keep in touch!  J: Thank you for all your help.  S : Don t mention it.  J: Here is a box for you, and don t open it before my plane takes off.  S : Thank you and I ll miss you !  J: Me, too.  Passage  Snoopy, Garfield, Kitty and Mickey are leaving because Uncle Marting will take them back to the Mars. They really made many good friends on the Earth. They couldn t live with their friends any more, but they would like to come to see them very often in the future. They will never forget their teachers and friends. At leaving, Snoopy says, "If you like to raise animals, tell us. We can send you the photos about animals on Mars. " Garfield says, "When you re in need of help, please give us a call. We II be happy to help you. " Kitty says, "Today is a sunny Monday. I wish youd have a good future." Mickey asks, "Whats the key to open the gate of happy life?" They answer together,"Friendship!" Now, raise your hand and say, " Goodbye, my friends!"





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