
出版时间:2007-6  出版社:外文  作者:李博  页数:136  


随着当今世界经济全球化进程的加快和中国经济的蓬勃发展,越来越多的国外企业到中国寻求发展,与此同时很多有实力的中国企业也走出国门谋求海外市场。在这种形势下,国内外企业对具备外语能力的专业人才十分渴求,秘书这一企业不可或缺的职位对外语能力的需求也日益凸显出来。同时,中国政府对职业教育发展的强力推动和社会对秘书岗位需求的不断增强,促使了秘书职业技能的不断提高和秘书的职业向职业化、专业化和市场化的方向迈进。在此进程中,培养符合社会实际需求的秘书已经成为各中等职业学校的重要任务。  本教材是中等职业学校文秘类专业教学用书。本教材根据秘书专业的实际技能需要,结合中等职业学校学生的年龄特点和学习习惯,在认真实践调研和博采众长的基础之上编写而成。  具体来说,本教材的特色如下:  1.本书以《中等职业学校英语新教学大纲》为编写依据,以满足中等职业学校学生求职就业的需要为宗旨,并结合了中等职业教育学生的年龄特点和认知水平。  2.本书以一个完整的涉外商业事件为线索来安排编写内容和编排顺序,既展示了一个真实的商业活动全貌,道出了秘书职位的工作职责,又培养了秘书专业学生从事这项工作所必备的专业技能。  3.本书采用了目前非常流行的任务驱动型教学模式,并且每一个模块的设计既在难度上体现了循序渐进性,又在教学内容上体现了实用性。  4.本书的设计既注重培养中等职业学校学生听、说、读、写四种语言技能的提高,又注重提高学生跨文化交际的能力,为学生今后步入工作岗位打下了坚实的基础。


Unit 1 How to Become a Qualified SecretaryUnit 2 Knowing Your OfficeUnit 3 Collecting InformationUnit 4 Secretarial English for Telephone Use Unit 5 Arranging a MeetingUnit 6 Receiving a VisitorUnit 7 Business NegotiationUnit 8 Reaching AgreementsUnit 9 Business DinnerUnit 10 Giving GiftsUnit 11 Seeing the Visitor offUnit 12 Handling ComplaintsUnit 13 Dealing with the BossTapescripts


  One of the most important jobs that a secretary should do is to collect information for his orher boss. Since related information can help the boss make decisions much faster and better, asecretary should pay enough attention to the work information collecting.  A secretary can use some regular ways to collect information, such as from the Intemet, bus-iness relationships and administrative connections. Searching on the Intemet in particular is be-coming more and more popular now. These ways can be very simple and effective, and are suit-able for small and easy tasks.  One can also use some irregular ways. For example, one can collect information by visita-tion, investigation, meetings and discussions, consultation and so on. Investigation is usuallyused to solve big and difficult problems and the information collected is more reliable. Other wayscan also be used according to different situations.



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  •   大致浏览了一下,书应该不错的。。就是应该有光碟才对,应该是少发货了。

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