
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:Foreign Languages Press  作者:Fred Richardson  页数:287  


Many friends have assisted with the information in this book, fartoo many to list here, and I thank them all. However much help I've had,the errors are all mine.  iSpecial thanks to Sun Weihua, Dr. 'Kevin Stuart, Litaiji, TillieSctuton, Dana Pope, Alix Fortson, Shelly Sutton, my late sister Betty Richardson, Cai Zisheng, Lun Xin, Lobsang Tsering, Prof. Yingting Zhang, Ilse Huntley, Marv Vickers, Frans Hoenderken, Dave Zeretzke,Gretchen Wagner, Tan Jingyun, Dr. Stan W~lliams, Prof. Tao Renchuan, Carson Sprenger, Millie Thorson, Ollie Wilgress, Jim Lovering,Anita Anderson, Gerald Roche, Josie Scruton, Mark Minlder, Anthony Robinson, Sam and Sally Green, Sybil Wong, Jared Roach, Nurse Yan Aili, Niu Xiaojun, and many, many more.


1.  Introduction: Why China?2.  Background: So ... 中国, China3.  Maps, Dictionaries, and Other Resources4.  Getting Around5.  Trains6.  Boats7.  Bicycles8.  Safety and Security9.  Hotels10. Food11. Internet, Wangba12. Sick on the Road13. Money14. Standing in Line15. Telephones16. License Plates17. Getting Out, Coming Home Crazy18. Tales About Travel in China Trains p.152, Boats p.168, Bikes p.180, Safety p.198,  Hotels p.204, Food p.225, Internet p.243, Sick p.248,  Money p.263, Queues p.266, Phones p.270Appendixes  Suggested Reading  GlossaryAbout the Author




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  •   作者写的东西就象是一个很普通的人写的日记,没什么文学感,就是很真实的记录在中国的吃喝拉撒,而且作者的视野也不是很广,总是写在广州、梧州、桂平、北京等几个地方的坐船、住店,吃饭的事,可以现在又在广西周边了吧,我记得在南宁的路上好象见过他。而且说的事是很久很久以前的了。

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