
出版时间:2006-11  出版社:外文  作者:刘友道  页数:186  字数:230000  


为了适应我国旅游业尤其是饭店业持续发展的需要,中等职业教育规划教材编写组筹划编写了本教材——饭店管理实用英语。以期为提高相关专业学生和从业人员的英语交际能力,培养业务精通、英语熟练、全面发展的新时期饭店服务及管理人才略尽微薄之力。同时,随着国家经济发展、社会进步以及2008年北京奥运会的临近,中国的旅游业和饭店业也势必迎来新的黄金发展期。出版本书的目的也在于帮助饭店广大员工和从事旅游行业的职员提高英语听说能力以及英语表达水平,为客人们,尤其是外国客人提供更优良,更周到的服务。 根据本行业以及本专业的特点,我们在编写本教材的时候主要遵循了交际教学法的原则。注重培养学习者的语言交际能力,会话能力和语言应用能力。 全书共分6个单元,23课。每课由warm—up,conversation,text,worqd bank,practicalterms and expressions.notes和exercises组成。


Unit One  Front Office  Lesson 1   Room Reservation  Lesson 2   Check-in  Lesson 3   Bell Services  Lesson 4   Telephone Switchboard  Lesson 5   At the Cashier'sUnit Two  Hotel Services  Lesson 1   Business Center  Lesson 2   Wake-up Call Services  Lesson 3   Taking Messages  Lesson 4   Booking TicketsUnit Three  Housekeeping Department  Lesson 1   Chamber Services  Lesson 2   Laundry Services  Lesson 3   Room Services  Lesson 4   Maintenance ServicesUnit Four  Food & Beverage Services  Lesson 1  Restaurant Reservation  Lesson 2  Receiving the Guest  Lesson 3  Taking Orders and Serving Food  Lesson 4  Bar Services  Lesson 5  Paying the BillUnit Five  Shopping Arcade   Lesson 1  At the Souvenir Shop   Lesson 2  At the Clothing Store   Lesson 3  At the Shoe and Cap StoreUnit Six  Recreation and Fitness Center   Lesson 1 At the Recreation and Fitness Center   Lesson 2  At the Beauty Parlor


  The Front Office and the Housekeeping Deportment shall prepare their room status reportsat the same time. The preparations shall be done as frequenfly as they are needed by themanagement of the hotel. Their room status reports shall list, according to each deportment,the recent room status of each room in the hotel. Later, these two reports shall becross-referenced and compared to detect room status discrepancies. And those discrepanciesshall be corrected as soon as possible in order to maximize the room revenue.  If guests have demanded certain specific needs at the reservation or registration process,the Front Office Deportment shall communicate this directly to the Housekeeping Deportment;or the Front Office Deportment shall communicate this indirectly to the Concierge who shallfurther communicate this to the Housekeeping Deportment. Those specific needs may berelated to certain specific amenities or facilities that need to be provided in the room. Whateverthey are, the Housekeeping Deportment shall follow up to ensure the actual provision in atimely and accurate manner.



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