
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:Not Available (NA)  页数:369  


Millions of travelers visit Beijing of them are ableto see the real every year, but how manyBeijing? How many will start their day walking through a traditional hutong, meander through a hip art gallery in the afternoon and dance the night away at the hottest club? In this guide, you will be able to experience Beijing like a Local !  Here's how you can save...  Save with our budget tips, and detailed transportation guide.  Save time by visiting 21 things not to be missed and eating at our favorite restaurants.  Save face by not getting lost using our large English/Chinese fold-out maps.  Save your stomach by using our bilingual menu guide with pictures.


HOW TO USE THE BOOKINTRODUCTION BEIJING Beijing Layout Map Welcome to Beijing Fast Facts Best of Beijing Brief History Art and Culture  Peking Opera  Modern Art--Songzhuang Village and   Festivals  Cultural Festivals  Street Culture Food and Drink  Eating and Drinking Habits  How to Order  Beijing Specialties  World Cuisine  Vegetarian Food  Food and Drink Hot Spots  Picture Menu Sport and Entertainment  Martial Arts/Wushu  Yangge Dance  Bars and Nightclubs  KTV  Cinemas and Theaters ……AREA GUIDEAPPENDIXINDEX





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  •   很适合外国人用
  •   内容实用,印刷也不错
  •   这本书我是买给一位外国朋友的,他非常喜欢,里面介绍的很详细,让这位外国朋友觉得有了这本书,自己不用任何人帮助就可以走遍全北京,呵呵,不错的一本书!

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
