
出版时间:2006-1  作者:么建国  


Since the world enbtered the 21st century, China has become a popular topic of conversation in the international community. Media coverage of China can be seen everyday in newspapers and magazines, on the television and the Internet all over the world. Many international conferences cannot avoid discussions on China. The attention to China across the world has generated a global "china craze."


Chapter 1 Building of political democracy and political parties
Chapter 2 Peaceful development and foreign affairs
Chapter 3 Religion, human, Ttibet and Taiwan
Chapter 4 Structural reform and society
Chapter 5 Opening up and trade
Chapter 6 Macro-economy and soe reform
Chapter 7 Finance,banking,taxation and securities
Chapter 8 Education,science and technology,health and environmental protection
Chapter 9 People's life
Chapter 10 Agriculture,rural areas and farmers



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