
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:黄镇  页数:48  


  In 1982, the Foreign Languages Press published the English edition of Sketches on the Long March, which included 24 sketches drawn by General Huang Zhen as an authentic record of the Long March. Over the past two decades, the English edition has proved popular with readers both at home and abroad. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Long March. To commemorate this great event and Red Army officers and men like General Huang, we are presenting a new edition of the album with revisions and a new design.  Besides recording the heroic undertaking of the Long March, the album is also a commemoration of the Long March spirit.


Pubisher's NotePreface by Xiao HuaComrade Lin Bopu-an Old Hero on a Night MarchCrossing the Xiangjiang RiverGreat Victory at ZunyiA Miao Woman from GuizhouA Poor People's Home on the Sichuan-Yunnan BorderSalt Carriers in Guizhou and SichuanA Yi GuideYi Guerrillas of the Red ArmyAnshunchang(name of a wharf)Luding BridgeA Night at PaotonggangClimbing the Jiajin MountainsConquering the Snow MountainsIn a Tibetan VillageThree Kinds of PotsA YakUsing Herbs as TobaccoGrinding Qingke BarleyMaking PancakesCarrying Graing BarleyMaking PancakesCarrying Grains Across the GrasslandsCamping in the GrasslandsMarch in the GrasslandsComrade Dong ZhentangArriving at Hadapu in Minxian CountyHistory of the Long March SketchesAbout the Author



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