出版时间:2007-1 出版社:外文 作者:蓝翔 页数:159
This book introduces to readers over 50 private collections, five trade museumsand five antique markets in Shanghai. The private collections are small in scale,established in their own homes by collectors with an enthusiasm for curios. Generally,the display rooms serve not just as display space but as living rooms too.The owners have started display rooms in their homes because they want to share collecting experiences and discuss them with other people and,in so doing,perhaps becoming friends. These collections are not as famous as those of national museums.but they are highly specialized and the atmosphere is warm,comfortable and easy.You may sip a cup of tea while you visit and,provided you get the owner’s consent,you may touch the exhibits and consult with the owner.
Owner of the Shanghai Folk Chopsticks Collection Lan Xiang has published specialized works on the subject of these traditional Oriental utensils, including An Introduction to Chopsticks, Ancient and Modern, Chinese Chopsticks and Stories of Chopstick
PrefacePrivate Collections Hongkou District Old Shanghai Nostalgia Collection Mao Zedong Badge Collection Haicitang Collection Wenfeng Curio Stone Collection Folk Chopsticks Collection Xiangbing Sports Mascot Collection Nanjing Clock Collection Ancient Pottery Collection Antique Postcard Collection Chess Collection Antique Bronze Ware Collection Ship-in-a-Bottle Display Rnnm World of Matches Collection Abacus Collection Craft Shoes Collection Model Ship Collection Carved Egg Collection Haiguo Ceramic Arts Collection Huangpu District Gallery of Naturally-formed Art Yixing Pottery Collection Ancient Lamps Collection Football Collection Minxing District Antique Casket Collection Antique Shoes Collection Xuhui District Sports Culture Collection Seal-stone Collection Jade Collection Trademark Collection Baoshan District Antique Porcelain Fragments Collection Weight Lifting Culture Collection “Luminous Pearl”Collection Art Wine Bottle Collection Yangpu District Needlecraft Collection Smoking Items Collection Paper-CUt Collection Matchbox Label Collection Zabel DIstrict School Badge Collection Money and Medallion Collection Pudong New District Cigarette Card Collection Metal Key Collection Collection of Money and Medallions Issued by the Illegal Japanese Regime in China Republic of China Porcelain Collection Silverware Collection Fengxian District Peking Opera Costume Collection Putuo District Large Copper Medallion Collection Butterfly Collection Qingfu District Mementos of Cycling Around China Collection Ojng Dynasty Inscribed Horizontal Boards Collection Luwan District China Hand-printed Blue Nankeen Exhibition Hall Changning District Antique Inkstone and Teapot CollectionTrade Museums Shanghai Arts and Crafts Museum Shanghai Banking Museum China Tobacco Museum Shanghai Railway Museum Shanghai Museum of Public SecurityAntique and Curio Markets Huabaolou Antique Market Cangbaolou Antique Market Dongtailu Antique Market Yunzhou Curio Citv Duolunlu Antique Market
whenever you plan to visit such a collection,always call ahead and arrange a time before you turn up.with a few exceptions,entry to these 50 collections is free of very cheap.after visting for tree,you may present a little gift to the owner.you should pay the owner for documents,pictures and souvenirs you get from him or her.it is not essential to book a visit to the trade museums.in the antique markets never handle the items before asking the price.